
Hey... Wait a minute! All of these articles, are by Irin!

This is just an anti-Large Hadron Collider article! I'm from the future, future, and I'm here to say... it's all right!

#Fuck the bad juju from #2009 carrying over into the beginning of #2010. F*ck Prin' #douchebags. F*ck douchbags in general. F*ck those racist mother f*ckers in #Boston... (so-called progressive state my a$$.)

I like me some scary, trashy movies, some Kanye and some Nicki Minaj.

@Chgu: I actually tried this....

@SprinklesTDD: Well, I hope it's more than a suped-up retelling of the original. There's no reason to pay money to see the same thing again. Especially if it was done right the first time.

"The Incredibles has real, breathing characters who love each other and mess up and keep going."

@Irin Carmon: No problem. I read your stuff and you're like a little fire ball of justice! Enjoy the holiday!

Happy Hanukkah Irin!

@derek.chiasson: It's better to know how our sausages get made, so that when nations are angry at us, we have some perspective.

Well, I was already banned from this very site over a similar issue, railing against the same callous attitude(s) by people who play video games (at least, that's the way I saw it.) So, I'm not going there again. Those meat headed commenters are not worth it.

I'm probably all out of shame this holiday season, because I actually chuckled at this.