
@qssung: The issue of information gathering is not unique to the kind of browser one uses. If someone is online, that person is on the user end only, and is uploading all of their personal information to some creepy dude's website.

@qssung: The issue of information gathering is not unique to the kind of browser one uses. If someone is online, that person is on the user end only, and is uploading all of their personal information to some creepy dude's website.

Facebook is most certainly a portal for information gathering and knowledge grabbing. It's really weird to see ad's from sites you've recently visited on the right hand bar or your profile. This sort of information collection could be used for or against anyone like a credit score. Well, I know that this is a fact,

Facebook is most certainly a portal for information gathering and knowledge grabbing. It's really weird to see ad's from sites you've recently visited on the right hand bar or your profile. This sort of information collection could be used for or against anyone like a credit score. Well, I know that this is a fact,

@Lucalain: it's a riff on how Disney steals Japanese animated films and makes money happen.

Yay! Another totally awesome

-Forward thinking

@enough_is_enough: Flowers are the trojan horses of an imbalanced relationship.

@EponaWearsBoots: I'll try to see it that way, between bouts of seething resentment.

I hate apology gifts. Nothing rights a wrong but actually fixing it.

The idea that Massachusetts has a Civil Rights anything is astonishing, especially after having spent six wasted months in the bar that is Boston.

Art Taylor! That's a great name.

Every time someone brings up global warming and the Earth heating up I think of giant slugs coming up from deep beneath the ground! Oversized bugs making their way to surface, cranky and hungry.... rawr!

@ms.meat: Cops certainly shouldn't get a free pass and life and death situations regard more serious consideration than this instance. In this digital age if someone makes an ass of himself in society it will always be open season.

@ms.meat: You must be younger than me, because that kind of sh*t happened all the time back in the eighties.

@ms.meat: What happened certainly wasn't harsh. Let the punishment fit the crime.

@ms.meat: well since you put it that way...

@ms.meat: That's a little harsh for what is considered a distribution of sex, sexy, sex. Cops see so much more brutality moment to moment, and having known some I can see why they wouldn't be so concerned.

Yeah, that's great and all, but like everything else this will never make it into the hands of the people it is meant for.