
I like these music bits just a little more each time. I used to tune 'em out. Like the radio and Mtv, but wow...


OOOoooooh, a red Rihanna!

Oh my gosh they're doing this and still no Vanessa. I'm gonna strangle someone.

All this time, and so little Vanessa.

Morning Glory-a! Ha! she has her own movie. :P

That was a long walk to get to that kiss.

Veronica looks like Katy Perry... wait a minute?

Scary Maze!

the ex husband joke was mean.

a mean peanut.

I like Rihanna... in a red wig.... yes I do.

Their Pee Wee is pretty good.

any Vanessa?

Is that Vanessa?

Eddy Murphy as Marty Mc Fly would have been fly.

This was actually kinda cute... it was enjoyable. I think they learned from last week's weak a$$ episode.

Needs more... Vanessa.

I don't know if I like their Vincent Price. But they usually depict him with some regard so...

This digital short is long but it's funny.