
@alula: I think it's being done... on purpose.

The NBC logo is right over Emma Stone's......


"they cut her mic!"

Emma Stone as kinky brunette with glasses. oui oui!

@itsonreserve: Looks like something I'm going to have to get used to. New York has spoiled me. Our campaign ads are waaaay more cuddly. I'd be terrified of a Gulliani ad if he ran for any position out here.

What? Vanessa Bayer should be doing this sketch.

@the glamwich: If you beat him in Pvp you get the Jimmy Mc Millan beard and jacket. It gives you +1"just deal with it.", +40 nuttiness and +30 curmudgeon

@itsonreserve: ..Oh yeah! I saw that O,Donnelle ad. I actually thought it was an opening for another SNL sketch.

@itsonreserve: I'm in Philly right now, I've never seen such nastiness. I'm expecting a to hear about late child payments and dead sex workers in car trunks. Plus Penn State right wingers are scaring the living sh*t out of me. Those guys are hard core.

A fresh face!

"Just what NY needs.... more things that do that." hah!

This Halloween *dress* as Jimmy mc Millan. :P

He looks like he can cast level 90 rent stabilization!

Rent is too damn high....

The more you know... okay... saved!

*Zzzzzz—-* ...uh wha. Weekend update... yay.... *zzzzzz*...

You know... I thought they might do a bird poop sketch.

They've got Emma Stone and they're rippin' on Lindsay (via: Emma Stone)... and they still can't make this sh*t funny.