
Willie can get it.


He’s not judged on his looks. He’s judged on the way he chose to dress and groom as a professional while doing what is a big part of his job-promotion.

He was a couple of years ahead of me. I only vaguely knew him as the sixth man on the state championship basketball team. They called him “Barry O’Bomber” because of his penchant for coming in and immediately taking long jump shots.

It seems we must agree to disagree. There is lots of tribalism, lots of jockeying for a place at the table and a slice of the pie. Much of it is friendly and collegial, some of it isn’t. But it’s rarely venemous. I’m not even sure who “they” is in your equation. In Hawaii there mostly tends to be “we,” at least in my

C’mon, Life of Brian also had aliens in a spaceship and I don’t hear you complain about that!

Obama was raised in Hawaii, which is a unique place in this country, in terms of being a multicultural melting pot. I’d suggest you could do a lot worse, and that “raised white” would draw you a lot of mostly puzzled stares from folks I knew growing up in Honolulu in the 70s.

Ooooh so its just a reboot prequel for Stargate.

Gee, it’s almost as if there isn’t a singular “Black American experience”, and that we are not a monolithic group with a hive mind. It’s funny that one of the few times we hear Ben Carson talk about “real racism” is when he’s using it to try to discredit another Black person. Not altogether surprising though.

First things first. You need to quit your jobs and give away your life savings to one of us. Then work for my family as a cheap nanny while we laugh at how you look like mayonnaise. Ok I’m jk.

On the day after video of Bernie Sanders being arrested for his participation in a civil rights protest surfaced, Hillary comes out with a soundbite that’s so crafted and tailored it could be a Jezebel Think Piece.

Before the election?

As a black women: no one cares bitch. Fuck, nothing I hate more than white people who ‘check their privilege’ and think that is a political statement. Like, no, that shit just makes you feel better, it’s like saying you are ‘praying for the victims’ after a shooting. FUCKING DO SOMETHING.

Can we stop complaining when people with platforms use those platforms to support worthwhile ideas?

Why so much hate for white guys that are bringing more exposure to the problems of the world?

But Rue was never white!

I know it is not a popular position here, but I never had a problem with the casting. The representation of Native American’s in the original story (and for god’s sake the Disney movie that I otherwise like) is horribly racist. So making them a generic indigenous people of no particular race was a step in the right

In the original play, Tiger Lily is a White European man’s version of a Native American “Princess”.

I can't help but wonder if leaving aboriginal people out of Peter Pan productions altogether may be the right thing to do. Remember, these are not actual Indians, but a highly fictionalized trope envisioned by someone who wrote children's novels a century ago. Any attempt of realism would stray away from Peter Pan. I