
Is this a thing we’re doing? Spying on someone else’s personal habits and their use of their own personal devices and making fun of them? The tipster probably fancies himself as being “the greatest thing since sliced bread” for this magnificently insightful, intelligent and relevant post, but I fancy him to be nothing

This is a really, really creepy post.

This is messed up. Spying on other peoples phones in public and publishing it online is just wrong.

Alternate headlines for this story:

From hell's heart I slap at thee.

Video game coverage isn’t garbage. I love Kotaku!

I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.

Good for you, work on that humor thing of yours.

Paul McCartney is not a "she"

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker

Now 90 percent of all internet thinkpieces are dedicated to explaining why you should have a problem with something you originally had no problem with.