Yeah that's why Leonard gave in to him this episode. Oh wait, that didn't happen here.
Yeah that's why Leonard gave in to him this episode. Oh wait, that didn't happen here.
Eh, I think even he realizes that well would dry up REALLY quick once Penny gets tired of not being considered in that decision making, and them both seeing it as Leonard crying wolf after a certain point.
"It feels like the writers rushing to a conclusion because there really isn’t one when your conflict is so out of character"
"Before long, Penny is taking Sheldon’s side, saying that because it’s important to Sheldon it should be important to them, while Leonard is pouting on the couch"
More like someone was talking out of their ass, without actually FACT CHECKING what they had to say.
"Babies ruin shows !"
They don't sleep in separate apartments anymore at night. They sleep in the same apartment at night now.
You don't watch the episodes but yet you think that qualifies you to pass judgement on said quality? SMH
"secret lover" is not exactly the same as drunken kiss that you regretted happening and then stopped. But keep trying.
Judy Greer is a fantastic comedic actress, but this episode was a total waste of her appearance. And is also one of the seasons weakest episodes.
I'm betting all those things you would qualify as mean are subjective and vary from person to person on whether those things are mean. Not everybody sees snark as mean.
"There's a point where reasonable doubt comes into play and I find it hard to believe that either of those 2 instances result in an arrest."
"Just because no one categorically said he was arrested doesn't mean he wasn't. "
I must have dreamed up them being direct and honest with each other in the second episode this season. Or when Leonard proposed to penny, or when penny told Leonard I love you for the first time. All those episodes I just mentioned didn't have penny being mean to Leonard. I could name more episodes as examples, but…
Here's what was said in the episode:
Sheldon's stint in jail in season 3 doesn't necessarily mean he was traditionally arrested.
It must be easy being a neckbeard, you can continue to make strawman arguments without worrying about whether those things you say actually check out.
"They have nothing in common. Thats why they are a drag."
"They're married and still don't trust each other enough to be honest and direct"
He was in jail DOES NOT necessarily mean that he viewed that he was traditionally arrested.