
They have grown. Just look back to where they all were in season 1. Saying they haven't grown, is fundamentally ridiculous.

Adam West getting names wrong dates all the way back to his appearance on the cartoon Johnny bravo. Even family guy has used that gag.

The producers have next to nothing to do with how the network promotes them.

Eh he was that way by the time season 3 came along, where he talks about feeding a cat that isn't even his as something to look forward to at night.

It was about who should take up the Batman mantle after Bruce Wayne died in the comics.

She wore that same dress in the 100th episode.

It doesn't, but you haven't shown that THAT is the case with this show.

Vulgar retorts that have nothing to do with the point. The tell all sign of someone who knows they've been schooled.

That's "studio audience". Learn what the proper terms are in these situations.

Seriously a B+, no way this episode was anywhere NEAR that.

They have an option for another year in most of their contracts.

"but there’s no real storyline justification for their appearance……she tells Amy that she’s really here to, in her words, “size her up.”

Actions speak louder than simple words, and the actions on the show more than back up my claim.

"And they'll continue to play Raj and Howard and Leonard as pathetic nerds who aren't attractive to women because they are pathetic nerds "

They still do behind each others backs.

Eh, Amy probably did most of the bragging and then word got out to them.

Amazing to see that you think jumping the shark is a unilateral consesnus.

Yeah well me and everyone that I have spoken to feel the show started it's downswing after monica-chandlers proposal. Also Ross and Rachels inability to learn from their mistakes was damn annoying.

Two people can't begrudgingly tolerate each other?

Not that heartfelt, Sheldon being a pain in the ass and not realizing it right away is nothing new. Emily's perspective is the only fresh spin on it.