Not sure what show you've been watching, because I've never gotten that sense from them at all. Some of that could have to do with how it's directed.
Not sure what show you've been watching, because I've never gotten that sense from them at all. Some of that could have to do with how it's directed.
How can I disagree with such a compelling counterpoint LIKE THAT? (Sarcasm)
"In general, Emily has felt out of place since she was introduced on the show. Her character often gets shoehorned into an episode as a reminder that Raj has a girlfriend, but she never has anything meaningful to do."
I think the characters have chemistry with their significant other WHEN they are given something to sink their teeth into, unfortunately that wasn't here in this episode.
Eh, I don't see the similarities. Howard was always coming back. Sheldon's Mars trip he applied for is a one way trip.
This episode felt kind of clunky. It honestly didn't feel like any of the plot lines were given the required time to resonate with us. They tried to rapid fire the screen time to all the plot lines were given. Also Sheldon continues to show that he & Amy didn't learn much when he came back at the beginning of the…
Except it was the other way around. Penny encouraged Leonard to let her attend with him, and visually gave him a reason why she would be useful there.
I think you have to have SOME ALLOWANCES for Shamy considering the whole thing STARTED with a relationship agreement.
"Anyway if the idea behind this supposed psych experiment is to make people fall in love quickly, it seems that it defeats the purpose if the participants already know each other well."
I'd be able to take your opinion seriously IF it sounded like it had actual NUANCE, and it didn't feel like you wanting to read things in only negative lights.
"and they still show far more signs of not getting along than actually liking each other."
"Leonard, admittedly, has his mother issues, and a self-destructive relationship with Penny."
"Because Leonard and Penny don't have anything like the same energy as Shedon and Penny do. "
Actually he made it clear that he admires her due to the fact that SHE is the mother he always wanted. Where as Sheldon felt his mother tried to cram religion down his throat.
"they are the most enjoyable pairing and certainly have the best chemistry on the show (another reason Leonard/Penny never works as well as the writers think it does)"
"I think it has been pretty clear throughout the run of the show that in many ways, Sheldon actually seems to have more respect for Penny than any of the other people on the show, for the reason he gave in this episode - that she possesses an intelligence completely foreign to him."
"Leonard and Amy fall in love (or at least one with the other). These two characters are, at this point, the least complex emotionally on the show;"
"For everything he lacks, she has"
That makes them polar opposites, not complimentary opposites. Neither of them would be able to stand each other in that sort of relationship. As an odd couple comedy duo, they're GREAT. But being that different does not make them complimentary.
I'm guessing you don't have a nuanced interpretation based on that rebuttal and your previous shallow interpretations?