Indeed, lies told by someone you agree with (such as Streep) will always be more palatable than truth from someone you do not.
Indeed, lies told by someone you agree with (such as Streep) will always be more palatable than truth from someone you do not.
Absolutely hilarious that the Libs are so butthurt about losing an election that they have to console themselves with fictional presidents. Sorry Social Justice Warriors, you lost. :P
I strongly disagree. Each and everyone of the characters has become extremely unlikable.
I have found myself saying the exact same thing many times.. Sara basically has one notable character trait. She is incredibly creepy against every woman she meets… If it were a male character, it would even be called sexual harassment by SJWs. At least Curtis on Arrow only just reminds you every 2 seconds that he's…
Bullhooey. They let Tim and Eric crap out terrible content for years, not a laugh among any of them.
Agreed, as the president is still Obama, I was really happy to see them not shy away from killing him.
South park isn't funny more, and if we're being honest, I think it's pretty obvious why- Matt and Trey have become pretty popular in the notoriously leftist Broadway circles since their big Broadway hit… Good for them.
False. I completely agree with the sentiment, and some of my favorite episodes have been ones which expressed political views I didn't agree with.
At least it was aptly named… I didn't laugh once this episode.
Then again, the laughs have been pretty sparse for the entirety of this season.
Everything j95lee said was right on the money. Also, I don't associate "progressive" with anything the Democrat party has *ever* done. They, (you?) are literally the regressive party. There are one or two issues which Republicans are regressive on as well (mostly homosexuality), but Ironically Trump is even more…
"most shows wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole"… Right, because in 2016 it's SOOO hard to make a show/movie/anything with a Liberal Regressive message. (The truly progressive thing to do by the way, would be make a Trump stand-in president and *not* make him the 2 dimensional monster that you know all of these…
The one episode of Super Girl I bothered to watch (the crossover with Flash) was absolutely terrible. Good to see it's only gotten worse with backwards political messages, and trying to shoe-horn in a Hillary stand in (haha you lost)
Yeah. Speak for you damn self. It is absolutely unreal how much respect I have lost from publications I used to trust.. because they automatically act like anyone who has ever read them is "one of us". Yeah, I voted for Trump. And I highly doubt I will be coming back to you guys for commentary again after this…
Indeed.. it is pretty sad that people like you couldn't tell that Hillary Clinton was significantly worse in almost every single way he was being criticized.. (Just one of many: Trump is allegedly racist? Well Hillary actually idolized a member of the KKK. Called him her mentor, and hero.. and that's just one issue,…
Being a "white knight" =/= "being a good person". If most feminists are to believed, it won't get you laid either.
Hillary "I don't feel no ways tarred." has said way more racist shit than Trump has…. Hell, her political mentor was literally a former Grand Wizard for the KKK. Trump just wants to stop illegal immigration and pay attention to the people we're taking in, lest they be terrorists, as many *other* things as he's wrong…
By far the best episode in years (I find I've been saying that about almost every episode this season). This season is great!
You make it sound like there are people forcing them to leave their countries of origin when truthfully noone is. It's pretty simple, if you want to go to America, fair enough… But the price of admission is to become an American. That is literally what this country was founded on. If your original country was so…
Indeed. "Idiots" who are alarmed at a rapid (and easily provable) Increase in violence brought about by those people. Wait.. I think you're the idiot here.
Am I supposed to take anything you say seriously when you blindly call people you don't even know "racist" (The last refuge for people who aren't intelligent enough to think up a good response) ? Lmfao. Dumbass.