
here’s why i think an Arena mode will will work better than the raids currently do:

Story bounties - These days, I skip just about every story mission and strike bounty, unless it happens to be tied to the weekly strike or the daily story mission. Sure, most of them pay double the XP of the easier bounties, but they take so much longer that I can usually bang out at least two shorter bounties in the

  • EASY TO CLEAN! This is a critical piece when considering mugs. I have Contigos and they are a BITCH to clean properly
  • EASY TO CLEAN! This is a critical piece when considering mugs. I have Contigos and they are a BITCH to clean

This. I love my percolator. Plus it's easier to clean and can be conveniently stored in the cupboard, which is important if your tiny apartment kitchen doesn't have a lot of counter space. Oh, and also, way easier to take camping!

Looks like it was discussed in Judy Blume's "Superfudge." 10-11 years old sounds about right.

$80?!? Have you tried Notepad++? Havent done a direct side by side comparison, but it has most of the same features minus the big price tag. Its been my default editor for years.

Advanced Renamer (Windows)

Calibre (Windows/OSX/Linux)

Need to know what's hogging all the space on your hard drive? This shows you graphically. Then you can decide whether to get rid of it or get another hard drive for more storage.

CloudReaders (iOS)

The BEST financial advice is you should have no high interest debt. The second best advice is arguably pay yourself first - fund your 401k (say this twice if your employer matches it) and save 10% of your income. Using credit for "emergencies" can become a bad habit. I'm learning from this the hard way.

Not sure if I love this idea. Having some savings, even a small amount, is important, if for no other reason than having some room for float when your bills don't line up with your paychecks. If you are paying off your debt aggressively, then it is always going to be a tight budget, and there will be important items

horrible advice.. have credit for emergencies? hahah.. save at least 1000 dollars for emergency and then get rid on your debt..


It's suprising how hard it is for me to find a need for this image...
You are wrong, sorry but you are, if you had a bad experience you did something wrong. Try other brands.
Whatever money can be saved in TP is just not worth it.

In a perfect world, all trash bags would be considered equal, but for whatever reason, the cheap bags are always complete junk. They rip apart, the ties don't work, and they're somehow never quite the size they're advertised to be. It's definitely worth the extra buck or two to get trash bags that'll actually contain

It doesn't really matter what brand of toilet paper you upgrade to because pretty much everything is better than the cheap stuff. Unless you're a fan of wiping up with thin sheets of printer paper, splurge a little on a decent roll of toilet paper and you'll live a happier life.

Jezebel Basic

part of it has to do with the quality of tea you're using. With teabags, you almost always get a bitter cup if you don't remove the tea. With good quality loose tea, I don't have that problem.

tru that. rejection is part of the game. if picking up women were easy men wouldn't have invented P90X