
What they tell *me* about how to prevent rape is that we need, so much more than we are, to be teaching 'enthusiastic consent is the only yes' instead of 'no means no'. We need to be teaching people that there's nothing weird or stupid about clarifying intent with a partner verbally. Much light was made of 'consent

As I man I appreciate that this article has opened my eyes a bit to a more general definition of rape than just forceful sexual molestation.

You know, I think it's fine to say women shouldn't be responsible for preventing rape, and that's true. But I also think there's often a lot of confusion on both sides - the guy thinks she wants it, and the girl can't believe this guy they know is actually going to rape them. Clearing up that confusion is helpful.

I think what I took away is women and men both need to be socialized to be upfront and honest about their sexual desires and what they are interested in doing and not doing. These stories aren't unusual. I even "witnessed" a "rape" once of a friend... who was on top of the guy, screaming her head off all kinds of