
Not really, it tries too hard but doesn’t have the skill to make what it’s trying to do. So the depressing stuff just become cartoonish because of how inept it is dealing with them. It’s also really bad at juggling between comedy and drama, the character and plot are also cliche boring.

Sigh, pre made of 4 being able to queue in solo ranked…

Did Japenese company leave the console market because of poor sale or are Japanese gamer leaving the console market because Japenese game maker aren’t making game for it anymore?

Xenoblade sold badly on the Wii, a consoles with millions and millions of unit sold. X is on the wii u with not even half of the wii sales, it was bound to sell badly.

Apparently it’s not like that, but the first episode does such a terrible impression I was never able to get passed it. A good third of it is spent harping the fact that she’s a virgin, with some other witch showing up and being all “Haaaaa Maria I was busy ALL NIGHT, bet you don’t understand what I mean! And my jaw

It’s a space game, one of the reason so many of them crop up in the 90 was because of how easy they are to make since you have very little model to actually make. There’s no terrain or even basic geography, just post a star wallpaper with a planet and you’ve made a level.

EVE was a minor succes, it’s sub number are very low by most mmo standard. It stays profitable because space game are very simple to program, which crown fall isn’t. There making an mmo, the server needed to run it alone are going to eat up a significant chunk of the KS money. Add to that making the game, with a lot

Right, but EVE isn’t making that much money, it’s doing okay but nothing spectacular and it’s a far simpler game to program than crown fall is. So it’ll be hard to convince investor to give them lots of money when they know that this sorts of game pull number very very far from WoW.

Crownfall looks interesting, but let’s be real they didn’t obtain nearly enough money with there kickstarter to possibly do what there really trying to do, maybe they got some other financial backer that can give them good amount of money, but I kinda doubt anyone would be willing to give a new IP mmo trying to do

Really strong first third, kinda meh second third and terrible last third. Stuff started really well and were developing at a good pace, the opening did spoil the first big shocking surprise but no big deal (not the first time that happened). Middle portion felt kinda like good filler, most of it was pointless and

It’s very close to tale of if you played that. If you wanna start it, go with SO2 on playstation, the PSP port made some very questionable change in the art style.

Well there really not missing much, all three are pretty terrible anime. Blood C only drawing point was “Clamp is making a gruesome anime”, HotD is only interesting if you don’t know how to look for porn on the internet (that’s not ban in china right?) and terror in resonance has a great soundtrack but very poor story.

Seems to me like it's clearly the tank fault, should have kited the pack back away from the pathing mob.

Still no surrender option? Waiting for 5 min for the other team to push because there 4 level ahead get old really quickly, especially since they didn't touch illidan...

Is the pacing better than xillia? That really stopped me from enjoying the game were the first 30 hour should have taken 10 and the last 10 should have taken 30.

Meh, it was really average, it's only distinction is being one of the very few not terrible console JRPG of the last generation… Maybe if the game didn't force the annoying kids on you and completely cheapen every dramatic moment like when *SPOILER* You had to play quick time event at the funeral of the MC daughter

Dawngate had a fix for that problem, there were minion on the map that started out as belonging to certain team. Those minion would collect resource which would be turned into gold per second that every player would receive. The jungler could then go and kill those collector for some immediate gold and handicap in the

As for her ult? She can possess enemies. That sounds like something that would definitely come in handy, especially for all those tense moments when there's one stubborn holdout keeping you from taking full control of a lane:

Eleonora makes no secret that she wants Tigre—first as a subordinate and later as a lover. Over the war, the two grow gradually closer as they gain an implicit trust in one another. They even go on the battlefield equivalent of a date (i.e., stargazing). It is a slow-building and believable relationship between equals

So I must have played around a thousand game of Moba across various game (LoL, original Dota, dawngate, smite, awesomnauts, HoTS) and I'd say I have experienced maybe, maybe 20 truly toxic game.