
Best part of the entire game right there.

Don't diss VG chartz, it's apparently good enough for the economist (I don't know why)

Yeah it seems like all you have to do to succeed is lots and lots of kiting. That get really old really fast, which is super dangerous for an mmo since you'll be playing for a long time, especially a Kmmo and all there grind (black desert as no max level for example).

Depend on what you see as the job of a journalist. But today there's much more money to be made by writing sensational article than well research one. So a journalist who's good at spinning whatever story into whatever cause will bring in the most click will be a more interesting hire than one who only write the true.

Plus the actual plot make no sense, things happen seemingly at random with no logic behind them or tying the event together, one episode there in a space elevator (for unknown reason) the next there back on the ground and we still haven't learn why they went up there (with a bunch of cheerleader for some reason). It's

I really like rotoscoping so it's great to see more of it (shame banner saga gameplay was such a mess). The portrait image were so-so, hopefully that's not re presentative of the final product.

Automatic suspension don't work, people start seeing being suspended as normal and not being suspend as a bonus, so once the suspension end they feel like they have to use this "gift" and so will end up being more negative than they normally would have. You can always perma ban them but they'll just make a new

They said 95% never received a punishment. That means the rest did receive one, but that in no way mean they are jerk. They might have reformed or they might have received punishment for repeated AFK.

Plenty of site have revised there code of ethic in the last few month(IGN was the last one I believe).

on 3. Plenty of old Kotaku article had to be edited because there writer were in close relationship with people (like being roommate) that they were writing about, unless you believe that kotaku support GG that should be pretty good example of real problem. You can also look into the Alistair Pintoff case for some

That's being done, there's a gamer gate harassment patrol that's pretty active at getting account reported. Find anybody harassing people using the GG tag and you'll see plenty of people denouncing and distancing themselves.

Yes and the root of the united state of america is not paying tax on tea, remember, if you pay tax on tea, you're not american.

Now playing

Since it's just a hashtag anyone can use it, it means that some people will use it to troll and harass others, if you look you're bound to find some easily. But at the same time you'll find that kind of behavior on both side of the debate (although GG, even troll, are generally just random people, whereas some of the

The falken always looked awesome. It totally should be in the next star fox game. Also, where is the next star fox game?

Are they just trying there best to copy eve online? Cause going from spaceship game to FPS is pretty specific (and not a smart move as eve shown).

Completely agree, the first time I played I really liked the game, then a few year later I tried it again and decided to go for best rank that time, and it was like a "glass shatter" moment. Every mission you essentially have to just keep re-using your scout to rush to the end, many of them on the first turn. I just

And here we get back to where I state that you are close minded, you decided that the movement was about harassment, faced with statistical proof that it isn't (those tweet aren't send out to random people, there tweet send out to people GG face, do you think 90% of the KKK discussion with black are neutral in

Well your entire argument rely on the movement being about harassment, therefore if I dispel that then, as an open minded person, you'll re consider your position that GG is inherently evil/monster/on the wrong side of history.

lol inherently evil, spoken like a truly open minded person.

Then that was a new account he probably made just to post that, if the GG people moved to another has tag, his name would just be related to that new has tag