
Meanwhile in Major League Baseball, the NY Mets are gleefully counting down the hours until 1pm tomorrow when they can sign Jose Reyes to a prorated MLB minimum salary because picking up cheap skilled labor in a pennant race outweighs any baggage a man might be carrying for throwing his wife through a sliding glass

i...have feelings. while i wish rape and sexual assault on NO ONE, do i kind of hope that this story is true so that drumpf falls from grace?

He looks like the love child of John Daly and that guy from Veep.

I think if 2016 has taught us anything, it’s that extremely bad hair is not a deterrent to grossly defrauding the public.

Another Brady victim with sore taint.


Thou shall not a blow a whistle on Lebron James because nba, and for that reason I watched one game this year, and wish I hadn’t.

OK cool for Cleveland, I guess, but damn NBA, you’re utterly unwatchable. Laughably so.

The American Terrorist.

Am i wrong but ,, IT WAS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN ,, that killed the people in Orlando ...

I don’t use the word hate lightly. I also try to remember that most people aren’t good or bad, everyone has some humanity, etc, etc.

I guess Vin took his private road to Dodger Stadium, the creation if which was partly funded by taxpayers.

Wacha lookin’ at?

I know, this rich old man who gets to sit on his ass and ramble on about sports all day has really opened my eyes to hard work and dedication.

People who don’t know socialism from communism from democratic socialism from totalitarianism should stop talking and read a few books.

Amazing that you list communist countries while talking about socialism. Almost like you don’t know the difference.

You know baseball is boring as fuck when even the announcers are having drunk uncle conversations

This post is headlined by a picture in which the ESPN logo is, quite literally, sinking to the bottom of the ocean with Tim Tebow chained to it.

"Maybe I'm missing the point of the article. But I don't think that ESPN is sinking, I think it is rising faster than ever."

If you enjoy First Take I dont expect you to see the point on anything.