
Newsflash Shatner was the Star and Takei a bit player .

Gentrification doesn’t really help anybody except property developers.” This just isn’t true. Not that, it doesn’t have negative effects, like everything in life, but investing in lower socio-economic areas has many positive effects on everyone, not just property owners. Small businesses, entrepreneurs, increased

The trailer for this looked intriguing, mind you I was also looking forward to Knives Out based on the promotion that ended up not so superbly wasting my time.

It really pains me to agree with triggered white dudes on the internet but (and admittedly I haven’t seen the film but am basing this on summaries and trailers so I could be off base) this film seems to have the same problem that 300 does - people whose very existence depends on slavery making high minded speeches

I heard somebody on reddit say that you probably need to do a rah-rah, hollywood version of the story just to get it into the public consciousness so that a more historically accurate, morally ambiguous version can be made 10-20 years later. Think how much viking media had to be made before we got The Northman.

A weird point as to why the Agoje became a thing to consider is the sexism of the slavers.  Might not be the actual origin, but it bears considering that Europeans didn’t really want female slaves.  The African rulers tried to sell them, as they were highly skilled workers, but Europeans only wanted men for hard farm

It feels so weird to see so many critics gushing about this whitewashing (pun not intended) movie about one of the worst slaver states in Africa. No, seriously, even compared with their contemporaries Dahomey was horrific. They also murdered hundreds of captives each year in human sacrifices. Look up the Annual

The heroes in the trailer:

I guess I may have been one of the few who didn’t really care about the murder mystery. But I am happy to report that, if you’re like me, this was a great season!

The show seemed to imply that Becky was the type of person nobody paid attention to before she disappeared and she reappeared in a role which nobody paid attention to.  All she really had to do was avoid her father and the mayor

It sometimes feels like I’m the only one who’s not excited for more Community. That show was beginning to run on fumes towards the end and, even when it’s good, when watching back is kind of smug and self-satisfied (yes yes, Dan Harmon, you’ve been on TV Tropes, well done you). And I can guarantee that if / when it

Yeah, it’s tough to pinpoint if that flanderization happened because Pierce was gone, or if it’s just that Chase left around the time that a sitcom like Community would naturally start getting more cartoonish.”

I came here for this comment, and the bittersweet nostalgia it would trigger for the AV Club that once was.

I got a Community notification for this!

Yeah, it’s tough to pinpoint if that flanderization happened because Pierce was gone, or if it’s just that Chase left around the time that a sitcom like Community would naturally start getting more cartoonish.

As for the much as the later seasons of Community could get kind of “meh” I thought it had a great

Ocean’s Eleven is my go-to example for that. The 1960 movie was... not great. Drawn-out and lumpy. So you take a good solid idea and remake it with style and pizazz and fantastic casting.

I feel like this is the one time where the A.V. Club’s snark would have been appropriate. I don’t know why it’s missing because everyone involved is fucking stupid and deserves to be laughed at.

So they have 50 feet of rope - can’t they just throw it around the pole and shimmy down like a lumberjack??

Since the AV Club is so fond of slideshows, maybe they can do one for most egregious casting of adults to play high schoolers. #1 is obviously Gabrielle Carteris on Beverly Hills 90210 when she was almost 30 when she started on the show. Don’t sleep on Eric Christian Olsen in Fired Up! where he played a high schooler

yeah i think, if anything, the only thing that’s changed is our ability to immediately get someone’s age and go ‘they’re too old’