
Made from that famous German produce, the cocoa bean!

Yeah, they should be required to make authentic foods like German Chocolate Cake.

None of the themed weeks are ever going for any sort of cultural “truth”, they’re just there for a loose theme to hang some challenges on. Prue probably does think of a lot of German desserts as Christmasy, and considering celebrating Christmas is arguably one of the biggest gifts Germany has given England besides the

I’ve made tiered yeast cake before. Will I now get my citizenship revoked?

The first two movies were frankly pretty mediocre, as much fun as it is just to see the gang together again. I think that was probably unavoidable — they write these movies around all the other projects the cast has going on, and Omundson’s stroke apparently really scotched some of their plans for the first movie, so

I hope Nick isn’t getting trashed by people on social who can’t separate art from reality, because his work in bringing Nate and his arc to life has been absolutely stellar. Even when Nate is at his worst you can see layers - Nick communicates them so well.

I think the problem is that a lot of the time it comes off as puffed-up fanfiction. I like your reviews but a lot of the time you aren’t engaging with the story that the show is telling, you’re saying “this is what I wish the show was doing and it’s not doing that and so I’m going to grade it based on the failure to

Well to be fair, you didn’t have access to TRT, HGH, or whatever mix of gear he used to get huge.

Nick Mohammed has been giving a great heel turn as Nate that I’m afraid he’s gonna get harassed by randoms on Twitter. I truly hope not.

Myles, I wish you could get out of your own head. You’re so painfully overthinking this show. And you know it. It’s a journey you have to take for yourself.  

I believe McElhenney has very heavily hinted at juicing in one interview or another. Steroids have a bad public perception, but considering they’re cheap, safe, easily available, and incredibly effective, you would be a sucker not to take that shortcut and make twice the progress in half the time.

Pretty much any

I don’t even think anyone would really care at this point. Perhaps the movie studios would get flack if it was publicly acknowledged that any male playing a superhero, besides Robert Downey Jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch, is essentially expected to take a bunch of steroids to swell up for their role, but it would be

Exactly - its like watching someone on Chopped and a contestant uses a basket ingredient as a garnish. You wanna scream “Have you never seen this show before?” 

I actually found the stories in this episode to work quite well, at least in isolation. Because even in re-watching season two, there are a lot of things that aren’t unmotivated or unfounded, but they are often missing connective tissue. Yet, I was still swept up in each character thread as it unfolded, rather than

Not only is this meme wholesome, his reaction to it is perfect. He didn’t know, doesn’t entirely care, but is thankful nonetheless, charmed by its existence and moving onwards with his life. 

How much does this social media thing cost

First I’ve heard of this meme, but I’m glad Craig has been informed

Or just like, shave the beard, dude. No one is looking at him that closely unless he’s got food or something like that. Even then.

One of the things that bothered me with Hope is that they conflated progressive and open-minded sex education (and just acknowledging nonbinary/trans people do exist) with “well fuck, do whatever the hell you want, I guess, orgies at school.”

Yeah, that’s a disconnect I’ve always felt with the show, especially this

What I love about the show besides it just being genuinely hilarious is how much characterization and pathos they can pack into an 8 episode season and largely pull it off with grace and nuance. Most other sitcom-y shows would’ve made a 24 season arc out of 1 or 2 of the things a single character is going through on