
That little explanation Us gives is actually my biggest problem with it. By attempting to explain some of it, I feel it invites questions about the how and why of the rest of it. If you take that bit out, I’m happy to accept it as a bit of inexplicable magical realism in the service of allegory.

We’ve seen what these performers can do. How many variations of the same character can we see Aidy and Kate and Cecily play? What can they do that they haven’t already done? Aren’t they bored?

I can only stretch my suspension of disbelief so far. There is just no way that there are two child prodigy doctors named Doogie.

Truly wild to see so many people lining up to side with the billion dollar corporation who can absolutely afford to pay because they find it distasteful to ask for what you’re owed if you already have a lot. Like, fuck Disney; they should pay what they owe.

Nate’s behavior isn’t as off it seems. He showed the potential of a nasty side with the pre-game roast before the Liverpool match. Was it rousing, accurate & necessary? Yup. But it also was a little insulting.

There is something brilliantly meta (which I’m sure was the writers’ intention) in casting Tavi Gevinson - legendary enfante terrible of the teen blogosphere - as an adult desperate to chronicle the goings on of her teenage students and also not-so-secretly desperate for their approval. As a concept, it is sort of