"Take a dump." Hehe.
"Take a dump." Hehe.
I agree. Different person. I think going forward they should really make that a little more apparent in their games.
Are you trying to imply something about me? If so, I'm not getting it.
Is it legal? It most certainly is. Moral? Perhaps not. I'm all for capitalism but I also believe capitalists can think morally. They're screwing us because they know they can get away with it which they can do because all the other theaters are also doing it. Is it fair or right? Not really. I suppose everyone who…
You are so right! I saw that episode two days ago, too.
That's certainly an interesting theory. It makes sense too because Google will want users to do more of their work in the cloud. Combined with the fact that Sundar Pichai now oversees both Android and Chrome and it certainly seems to be heading that way. This makes me sad because I love Android.
Yip Yip Hooray!
The games I emulate are games I have purchased and have owned. I emulate because I enjoy being able to play my SNES/N64 library on the go as well as my GB/GBC/GBA library without having to carry around any of those systems. Not only that but my Nexus 4 screen is far superior to any of the original hardware for those…
For BitTorrent why not use Transmission-QT Win? It's FOSS and ad-free.
As a Hispanic, I know how you feel about the erasure. I've long wondered about my ancestors which I know include Germans and possibly Irish, Italians, and Jews. I'd like to know for sure what I am and how I got here. My grandfather is a quarter German and his middle name is Adolfo (which was the first name of his…
Hi, my friend over here was reading this article when his head exploded. Looks like he was at the Vita section...
I was going to suggest this! Great minds think alike :)
I think if it were a commercial making fun of the way black people looked, you'd be singing a much different tune. I'm not white myself, just pointing that out.
This was a really cool thing for Kotaku to do. Thanks for this very interesting article and for putting things in perspective.
Controller still doesn't look like a gun.
I'm a 21 year old Latino and I watch Fox News. I wish you guys would stop with that bull crap. Plus, why do you have to hate on old white people? This country was made great by many white people (as well as many other types of people) that are now old. How does being old and white somehow make your point of view…
Legend of Zelda
Street Fighter