

Donkey Kong

Rayman Origins.

I had that game as a kid. There were levels on other planets??

Wow. Those are beautiful.

It does look pretty great. And it's Satoshi Tajiri's favorite Pokemon, too!

Nice! I do love me some Pokemon!

I think I love you.

Can we just get the fuck over this? I am so tired of hearing about "racism". Let me know when it is actually going on and I'll jump all over the guy but we can't ever get along as a human race if people keep getting offended over stupid crap.

I'd get a 3DS but I really don't like the original's design and the XL is too big. When Pokémon comes out I'll have to settle on one, though.

Haha, I was wondering why there was so much damned Mass Effect this past week! It was bugging me because I've never been interested in it. When X & Y come out, have a Pokémon week!

This game looks SO sick. Can't wait to get this on PS4!

Good to hear!

If we have more of this kind of honesty then I won't give a crap if you guys post articles mocking conservatives. As long as there's a balance (and believe me, there is plenty of stupidity on both sides) then to me, Kotaku would be much more respectable.

Don't forget that we should be looking into our mental health programs. These mass murders are not committed by seemingly normal people (99% of the time), but instead by those that are known to be mentally unstable well before hand.

My question exactly. I'm a Latino with very light complexion so I'll be just fine with a white finger, but I think for people with darker skin, having a white finger would make the game much less immersive.

Hey, shut up.

Agree with paragraph 1 and half of 3. We do sell our time and labor to companies, which we never get back. Having said this, nobody owes you anything and unless you make it on your own by forming your own company, you should try and appreciate those who have.

Nice N64 controller. I may throw up some pics later of a GBC me and my cousin painted. He even frontlit his.

At the same time, it's more powerful on it's own than any other Android device and has built-in buttons. Nvidia is pretty big and will undoubtedly convince devs to start making games that support this.