
It's true that cole may not be exactly as we saw him, and Alison was probably exaggerating his happiness in response to her own confusion and anxiety. However, her perception of him is likely to be based on the truth. Also, earlier we saw him with Luisa (it was either his own perspective or no perspective, I can't

Maybe it's just weird because cole isn't usually the life of the party? He seemed pretty happy in the flashforwards earlier in the season as well.

Oh, i totally forgot about that. As did the writers, I assume.

Seeing cole so happy made my heart warm

I wish they would stop making anika…. do things


I wish they would stop making terrence howard rap


I dont care if the rest of them rot in jail forever but nothing must happen to connor and oliver

idk but my theory is that killing wells was so big a change to the timeline that it couldn't just correct itself, which is why the second wormhole opened up- to "swallow" the timeline which can't exist anymore

when Barry said "bye dad" to Joe I absolutely fucking lost it

Sansa has already suffered more than enough to make her desire for revenge against theon more than plausible. Her taking control of what happens to her- and not just reacting to things that were happening to her-was a positive step forward in establishing another strong female player- something which this show lacks.

Ok but now they know about Gideon and Wells isn't around why don't they just go in there and ask her everything??????????