
That's no prank. What would make it a prank is if a person with two small children, one holding onto each hand, stepped on the tile, and the wall came down. That'd prank 'em real good.

Why even stand? Stack bodies up to the ceiling like cordwood. Call it the Cuddle Cabin.

The image: On the left we have a vibrator, on the right we have ... I got your nose? I'm going to have to admit ignorance on this one. What does a thumb-under-forefinger-fist mean?

You'd think media companies, junk food pushers and the cozy blanket industry would have been pushing for marijuana legalization for decades. And you'd also think the government would be all for it. If there's anything that makes people want to just stay home, watch TV, eat mass-manufactured foodstuffs, screw, and go

Sure, just sew a big, sparkly star over the striped area in all existing US flags. It doesn't necessarily have to represent Puerto Rico. Citizens of any state can tell their kids "That big sparkly one in the middle — that's us!" Or, if they don't like big sparkly things, they can claim that star represents their

Rocking a depleted uranium case on my iPhone 5 cause I'm JUST THAT HARDCORE.

Absolutely. I have a special "drown my sorrows" compartment installed in my fridge that I break open on such occasions. Inside is a bottle of 151, some leftover Percocet, a carton of Russian smokes, fifteen M80s, a set of hip waders, an air horn, a burner cellphone, and enough Sudafed 12-hour to keep me awake for

Edit: I might not even be with you on the factory work thing, considering the kind of miserable toil people at certain points in history had to go through to live another day. That one might be another one that depends on what era the visitor is from.

I'm with you on large-scale factory work, lack of privacy and the nuclear threat — that's all pretty dystopia-ish, at least through the eyes of someone from the past (best as I can imagine).

Exactly. Its proper name is "Frankenstorm's Monster."

It sounds like it almost has a rhythm and melody to it. Like if you put it to marching music it would sound like a demented kazoo playing along. And it ends with a big wet fart sound, like every proper march should.

How will I have time to share anything if I'm spending all my time sifting through all the crap my friends are trying to share with me? And on top of that, I'll also have to find time to actually do and think stuff that's worth sharing. At this rate, I think we'll hit peak share in five years or so.

They don't go up far enough. I can't ball properly unless I'm wearing shoes that tie at the taint.

Also had binders full of women.*

Yeah, endless food photos and "ain't we fun?" pix get a little grating. But a good bon mot, is, well, BON. If a person's status updates contain genuinely witty banter, my news feed is the richer for it, regardless of whether that person is a drooling bore IRL.

Wheels look kind of small, and I don't see anything in the way of suspension. Better hope those roads are nice and smooth.

Show me where the candidate touched you ...

Perhaps. It may also have something to do with the lack of illiteracy and malnourishment, and the abundance of fingers and hands, compared to earlier generations.

Candy bar wrapper. Martians are assholes.

So is OKCupid itself desperate, or just the people who use it?