let me guess, they were racing golf carts?
let me guess, they were racing golf carts?
Smoking is bad. Tobacco companies are unfathomably evil. But I’m still gonna start smoking every waking moment just to ensure a 0% chance I will ever have a conversation with you in person.
whoa i would have killed a man for that sandwich. your comments have cracked me up thank you. this whole food thread is amazing also.
Can I commission anyone artistic to draw/paint/photoshop Roger Goodell stroking "scoops" and "nuggets" out of regulation football shaped dong, into the mouths of Peter King and Adam Schefter and Chris Mortensen? I will compensate by starring your image.
What's sadder is TMZ has more tenacity to cover the NFL critically than FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, and ESPN because TMZ doesn't need to ask how high when the NFL says jump.