Mehran Moghtadai

I might be wrong but it might be due to population density. In America and even worse in Canada, distances are very large and population density pretty low so it becomes expensive to throw data around.

I went through a few phases... I used to use winAMP religiously but then my library started to grow and I realized that WMP with it's windows integration gave a better experience for larger libraries and finally when I got my Zune HD I started using the zune software and it's by far the best experience I've ever had.

Just out of curiosity... What is it that you do with your phone that you need so much power?

It does hurt them a bit, but what we have to look at was their other options. What they could have done was to stay irrelevant with WinMo and wait for windows 8 and base their code on that to begin with. But that would mean they would be getting in the game 2 years later and have to start the app dev from scratch.

You would be a minority then because the whole point of a mobile phone is to... well be mobile and not be always plugged in.

What you call ancient I call a heavily refined and tested. It's like a porsche 911, the design is ancient and hasn't changed all that much but it has been perfected over the years and is now one of the best sport cars.

The mistake MS made was to call it 7.8 instead of 8 with less features. That's what apple does, the iOS6 you get will not at all be the same as on an iphone 4s, your upgrade will only get the superficial changes. Which is exactly what 7.8 is. They were just more honest.

At least your phone has a pin, try losing your wallet. (unless you have a key and lock for your wallet...)

WP8 OTA updates will be done the apple way, that is basically like windows update works now. They will fully bypass carriers.

It didn't though, and MS wasn't marketting it to beat the iPod. I own a Zune HD and have used an iPod touch on numerous occasions (bought my girlfriend one). I can tell you that when it comes to music, Zune HD is much better. But the iPod touch has apps and that's why the Zune HD didn't do well in the market, people

How is the iPhone anything but mainstream now?

I'm not really arguing that people don't like those sorts of things, the point I'm trying to make is that we need to move on from those because odds are that most of the coming generation will not know what an address book is and won't know why it's lined like that.

That's not really the problem with skeuomorphism though, the problem is useless things that add no information. Things like leather in a smartphone app or lined paper in a notebook app or perhaps anisotropic shine on a brushed aluminium nob in an app . The problem are things like that, visual cues like trash-cans are

I hear ya... But they have a thunderbolt to ethernet adapter.

I'm wondering the same. I remember something about how they don't let apps that duplicate features in iOS into the store, I wonder if this falls into that category.

By that logic sharing an opinion that two or more people hold is jumping onto a bandwagon. If that is the case then yes, I'm jumping on a bandwagon.

I'm aware what the bandwagon effect is, what I don't understand is what makes you accuse me of that?

Errr... excuse me?

Skeuomorphism needs to die. Don't get me wrong this is awesome attention to detail but skeuomorphism is not in anyway good design in the digital age.

There are a lot of little details in wp7 like that though, like how when you press a tile in a spot it tilts in that way or when you scroll to the very bottom or top things get squeezed etc...