
I am 50 now. I still recall, as clear as if he were speaking it today, my father telling my 13 year-old self, “Let’s not press charges. He’s a married man with a good job and children, and we don’t want to ruin his life.”

I’d take Trump over Cruz any day of the week.

I’m sure they do exist, but most of the kids I know are surprisingly informed, and voice opinions that are far more mature than anything I was thinking about at their age. They have grown up with sooooo much more access to information than we had, and more importantly, it seems they WANT to be informed. When I was a

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In case any of my fellow Hamilton nerds haven’t seen it yet, OMG this story board animation of Hamilton’s death monologue.

her body was found four days later just north of the state line in North Carolina.

Lol, that made me laugh, I have family in both NH and Vermont. But we all know the real difference is that those poor, dumb bastards living in Vermont call soft serve ice cream “creemees.”

I grew up loving Duran Duran, so I really have no room to criticize.

As Blair Waldorf said, “Princeton is a trade school.”

The Marty side-eye is the Marashino cherry on top!

“Was this the sort of bullshit that plus-size, extra short or tall women always had to endure?”

Found the solution: to remove yourself from this email chain, click here.

Being a child of the 70s means that I know this reference without having to watch. You could show a pic of Ricardo Montalban and I would immediately get it.

As a tribute to Alan Rickman, I’ll be having some Potions during tonight’s debate.


Wake me up when Shaun Cassidy appears.

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Sinead O’Connor with MC Lyte back in the day:

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this was the first time she had performed troy live in 20 years. she looks nervous, but wow! she is truly an amazing artist. i hope she gets well. people forget she is icon status, cuz her mental health has caused her to make some crazy comments/decisions in life.

I don’t necessarily want a totally different spinoff starring Buttercup, but rather a comedy of the entire first movie, from his persepective.