Mehhtty Dupe


“Grandma I drew you this lion picture to cheer you up.”

“Why is Nana weeping silent tears and staring out the window?”

Of fucking course.

I should ban you for such filth.

Sweat, Kara’s drool?

As a black person, I love how he is using racial remarks as an excuse to do this. He thinks Black America is gonna be like “oh she called him the n-word so he had to do it.” This dude needs to rot.

Jesus. People have made racist comments to me at work (and still do) I simply have chosen not to FUCKING MURDER SOMEONE! I’m so disgusted right now.

*packs bags*

I’m glad this was posted on here separately from the Gawker article, because I just can’t wade into the comments there are something like this.

Iggy Azalea

That was the smoothest example of a short-attention span transition I’ve ever squirrel.

In fairness to Snooki (yes, I just typed that), if I found out tomorrow that resplendent.husband had an Ashley Madison account, I would still think that Josh Duggar was way more disgusting. For like, all the reasons.

Excuse me, I am now watching A Different World on Netflix.

Dan Savage would vehemently condemn all of these men, most of all Josh Duggar. I haven’t listen to the Savage Lovecast yet today (literally about to), but I’m willing to bet that the starting monologue is about how these men are dickbags, not victims. He only condones adultery if your partner is extremely ill/dying or

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

I’m suuurrrrre that was part of it.

To me it just seems like she’s never going to really get over it, and frankly that’s fair. So get a divorce and move on. I think she’s trying too hard to let it go when in reality she’s hurt and pissed. I don’t get this “stay together for the kids” shit. Yes, stay together and be miserable so your kids see that.

I watched this and it broke my little heart. I know she was blabbering on about how disappointed she was that they were at a “sports bar” for her birthday and that seems kind of trite, but I get it. What happened to her is fucking sad, and I’m sad for her that she’s still with this guy (even if it’s her choice, it’s a