
I think SHS was less upset about being compared to Aunt Lydia and MORE upset that she wasn’t being compared to Leni Riefenstahl.

Anyone who complains about the Aunt Lydia comment, should be asked, “so you’re saying Ann Dowd is ugly?”

Hey, guess what? Popping out a kid doesn’t automatically make you a good person.

Christ, JibJab was... well, maybe not the worst, but it still fuckin sucked.

Every year the WHCD brings in someone from The Daily Show which exists solely to mock our politicians and the media who cover them and then get mad when said Daily Show correspondent mocks our politicians and the media who cover them. Which will gain self-awareness first: Computers or White House correspondents?

Bonus: If he decries the lack of bipartanship along the way to only voting with the GOP

We’ve seen this bit from Rubio before:

The combo of “I’M NOT EVEN A LITTLE RACIST” and, in the next sentence, “you people...” Is truly classic.

We’re all agreed that “SPIRITUAL ARMOUR*” means “meth,” right?

I’m pretty sure I want a daily Starrlene post.

“If you have time I’d like to talk to you today about your eternal soul and my tongue.”

I’m going to just guess that you’re not a lawyer who deals with extremely shady clients who are well-known to scam others out of money.

Funny, he doesn’t look age 19-36.

The kid just earned a nickname - Willie Maize.

It’s not like there weren’t any signs...

Kanye West is a perfect example as to why you don’t make people the Vanguards of the community, mainly because they’re entertainers and/or athletes 

Kanye West cares about black people the same way Megyn Kelly cares about women, only when it effects them personally.