that’s actually Henry Kissinger inside the bunny suit. he thinks the speech was perfectly appropriate
that’s actually Henry Kissinger inside the bunny suit. he thinks the speech was perfectly appropriate
Can’t imagine it has to do with the fact that one of them, in his public persona at least, is a relatively humble, bearded, upstanding (if tax-evading) citizen, while the other is a gelled-up, preening, camera-greedy apparent jerk against whom entirely believable allegations of sexual misconduct were made.
In comparison, Ronaldo doesn’t even need to be told to walk, he just does it anyways. Advantage: Ronaldo.
Pretty telling when the only object in the article with a soul is an exercise bike.
As bad as this kid and his family are, the attorney did his job (and likely set back justice as few years, but I digress.)
He disdains education on the one hand, and then uses educational metrics he has no idea of to put Michael down on the other.
Maybe you should stand between endless rows of crosses like I have, and let that enormity of that sink in. And then think long and hard about what’s more important to you party or country.
OMG LOOK AT THAT ADORABUBBLE LITTLE RED HAIRED GIRL. *.* And a civic go-getter, too! Ambitious senior project.
.................I’ll see his lewk, and raise him one Christine LaGarde.............she not only “wore it better”, she radiates effortless chic..............
Yay a feel good story!
Rubio takes money from an organization that works to stop any laws that could reduce the abnormally high rate of gun violence, that opposes all laws that might reduce the 30,000 preventable deaths from gun violence we have each year.
Ah yes, Roseanne Barr. A true conservative patriotic American who would never do anything to disrespect the national anthem like those horrible NFL players have done.
Yea that is the real problem here. Why is Snooki able to command a fee of anything higher than a jar of pickles and an Arby’s coupon?
Still, it might be expedient to just change her name to something like Schlessinger. Just to get her life back to normal.
Same question I have. Why in the actual fuck would they pay Snookie to speak at a college? What the hell is she going to tell them? The virtues of Rumchata?
A battle on the cyber:
Why should I change my name when she’s the one who sucks?” she asks.
“Do you accept her apology?” Camerota asked.
What these “older” conservative pundits aren’t getting is that these kids are angry (rightfully so), motivated, and tech-savvy way beyond their comprehension. They can go viral with their bullshit in minutes.