In lieu of actually restoring the electrical grid across the island, Whitefish Energy announced today they’re just going to give each household and business a plasma ball from The Sharper Image and call it good.
In lieu of actually restoring the electrical grid across the island, Whitefish Energy announced today they’re just going to give each household and business a plasma ball from The Sharper Image and call it good.
Right, one non-gun crime absolves the entire mass shooting epidemic.
Funny you should (stupidly) bring this up. Cars have to be registered and you have to have a license to own one—which requires a test on driving safety and competence. It should be the same with guns. Would it solve everything? No, only idiots think that there’s such a thing as a flawless solution to any issue. Would…
“We’re looking at the states that have legalized or decriminalized marijuana, trying to evaluate what the impact is. And I think there is some pretty significant evidence that marijuana turns out to be more harmful than a lot of people anticipated.”
You should change your screen name to “Not Curious Enough”
Not curious enough to make it all the way to that sixth sentence, though, eh?
And exactly WHO is buried in Grant’s tomb? We may never know.
Corn Pops are fine, as long as you eat the whole box in like...three days. Any longer than that and they get stale.
you mean pretty?
I think Newman’s point was that when the only jobs available to you are substandard jobs it is akin to slavery. It might have been a bit hyperbolic, but he or she wasn’t supporting communism or saying that “working on farms” would be better than working for Apple -though the suicide rates there at least support a…
Probably the single most meaningful thing that the AFL-CIO could do today would be to establish a venture capital fund to pay for new organizing across the country—the creation of new unions in new places, even if they are not immediately members of the AFL-CIO. This is what it means to have an actual movement. The…
Weaponized stupidity.
The Vox article is scary/hilarious. Does the Fox audience just go by the sound of the voices, like my dog does, without trying to make sense of the words?
It can never be pointed out enough that we let the murder of 20 innocent children and their fearless educators go unanswered, We did nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Everything from there on has been farce and fuckery. Fuck it all, indeed.
For those who haven’t read it, Trump’s interview over the weekend with Fox Business Channel’s Maria Bartiromo is prima facie evidence, all by itself, of his complete unfitness for ANY office. From the Vox article on it:
Of course the bump stuck ban fizzled out. This is America, where 20+ children can die and no one does a thing but GOD FORBID a woman try and get birth control or an abortion.