I guess they all can’t date Tomi Lahren
I guess they all can’t date Tomi Lahren
My guess is that now they’d be okay with it.
Jade Helm is my favorite. Thank you Ted Cruz for intervening before the National Guard could take over the government.
If we kill the addicts then they won’t be able to overdose and kill themselves.
As far as I’m concerned there is only one Tiffany and she lives in every shopping mall in America.
Fake news, Alex was responsible for the BGM.
Classic Ming
Well, this was all before Jade Helm so...
I think Suckabee can better explain what you think you heard.
You could put your weed in there.
Ga’inja pogies kay doana yo kay chickabee
There’s an economical option as well:
He’s Gone
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
“we cannot have a better, or smarter, person representing our country,”
RDF is a disorder that is treatable with either Fentanyl or sky diving. In her case both would be ideal.
No one cares about your boner.
I think I can help. I pray to the ghost of Saul Alinsky and he sends me a vision. Or maybe it is Saul Goodman. Either way, I just want to make sure I do what I can to take away freedom and liberty from people and get free stuff from big gubmint.