You know, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing if given the opportunity. Naming rights to concerts halls and the like, that is. But why in the hell would I want it named after myself? How tasteless.
You know, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing if given the opportunity. Naming rights to concerts halls and the like, that is. But why in the hell would I want it named after myself? How tasteless.
Wow. As a cat person, I think you’re least about me. I do hate almost the entirety of the human race. The selfish and uninteresting parts ...probably correct, too. I do take offense that you say cats are smelly though - while they do shit and piss in the house, the smelliness related to that has to do…
Coworker sent me this. Enjoy.
Let’s just say that the Mustang to douchebro owner ratio is approaching 1:1
Nah, the only people I know who listen to country music intentionally have definitely had racist shit spew out their mouth many a time.
he’s a dolphins fan, so i can’t purposefully listen to his music - i can only stumble across it accidentally.
I don’t understand PoC buying cars that are guaranteed to get them pulled the over. Like, I get that they SHOULDN’T get pulled over, but you won’t catch my ass in a Mustang or a Corvette going five MPH above or below the speed limit. Nope, not me. Only racist middle aged white dudes are allowed to drive loud, fast…
The Mustang to racist ratio is about 1-1 near as I can tell. There’s these three young middle eastern guys sharing an apartment up the street from me. They went in together and bought an orange Mustang. They’re so proud of it, always out there polishing it and taking selfies with it. I don’t have the heart to tell…
Dang how could you forget:
Goddamn autocorrect. MUSCLE car, not musical.
Tell me more about this musical car
I hate what he did to this country, but W was “likable”. He was only unlikable because he was aligned with a horrible political party. It makes sense that many Americans wanted to have a beer with him, that comes from his own personality not SNL. Ferrell portrayed him as he was, a clueless moron who had no business…
If they listen to ICP, there’s a 78.832% chance they’re racist. They also think Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time and hate all other rap music.
I would add ‘Duck Dynasty’ t-shirts to the list along with the beards that come with the shirts.
He’s one of those “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” we always hear about. I know a number of them. One of them is a CFA who trades grain futures. He thinks he’s Gordon Gecko. But, he’s still upper-middle class at best. His parents are well off owing to his father being a doctor and mother a rich divorcee. He’s…
I have a good friend with a Masters in Accounting. You can show him data illustrating the results of Friedman/Trickle-Down and the resulting income inequality and overall poor performance of markets and it still does no good. I’ve literally seen him stay up for days, pouring over spreadsheets looking to try and…
Working class republicans who fall for the garbage of trickle down economics are a cult. The diabolical right wing conspiracy, Fox news, the Koch brothers, the Heritage foundation, etc. are clever in agitating the base fears, hatreds, idolatry of wealth, and deference to naked power that comprise the psyche of the low…
Swans: Cunts.