Mehdi Akbar

I never thought a tv show could actively be courting me until Lindsay pulled out the Kate Bush

Can't believe we're on an AV Club thread talking about friend chicken and no one has mentioned Harold's Chicken Shack.

And its always pretty awkward

I couldn't have been the only one who was reminded by the sex scene of that time Hugh Dancy made out with Julianne Moore and Marius Miserables in that one awful movie.

I tend not to flip a shit at TV shows, but when I saw that end title stamp, I was ready to burn a house down.

no one cares.

Is it just me or was Alison's rape whistle covered in rhinestone? Also, I had to pause the show about 5 times just to remind myself that I was looking at one actress.

Anybody else just absolutely devastated when Davies saw the empty stables?

Whenever Laurel is in a jam, blackmail is her first reaction. Maybe she should be running for mayor.