
Next weeks episode will start with Beth waking up in a locked bathroom with both legs cut off.

The most annoying for me was a tie between Jack's beard wig and Claire's pregnancy wig.

During 2013 trial, Arias maintained the killing was self defense.

Minnie also has a tongue Miley would be truly envious of.
(Sorry if this is a double post; nuKinja and my phone are not getting along well at the moment.)

No she understands why someone would want to lash out violently in frustration. She doesn't understand what makes that person take the next step and actually do it. And more specifically the parents are hurting a crying child thinking that will make them stop crying which makes no logical sense. If she hit an adult

To be fair, tumblr is tumblr. It gets a lot of criticism for being blatantly ridiculous. The way I see it is this, cis is a just a descriptor. You are comfortable calling yourself straight, obviously. So why not cis? I am sure if you probe the depths of the internet you can find someone saying "straightscum"

Isn't it worth including the fact that this was a movie about the 80s, and "misgendering" wasn't something on anyone's radar? In fact, "transgender" wasn't even a common term, or a common "thing" 30 years ago. The characters reactions to Rayon may be horrible - and ignorance excuses nothing - but in the 80s mainstream

I agree with this 100%. There seems to be an attitude lately that if a story doesn't represent the experience of ALL of a group of people, then it isn't valid. Aren't all experiences valid? If they aren't, then we're only furthering the problem here, as far as I can see.

your main point is that his character did not react the way you would if you were misgendered, as if your reactions are the only ones valid for transgendered people

HAHA. Yes, and I can't have any opinions on whether Jared Leto deserves an award because I'm not an ACTOR. Ridiculous.