
Don't get me wrong, I download like 20 GB a week.

Bittorrent kind of scares me; its like the unprotected sex of Internet downloading.

I thought it was okay but I was wondering half the time how so many actresses I kind of like could be driving me soooo crazy...

Weirdly, I've actually seen the third before, and as a teenager it was kind of my impetus to read more actual science fiction, so I do now get some of the hate, but it was personally significant to me!

I am currently watching the Matrix for the first time ever so this news is relevant to my interests.

I don't really put much stake in IQ tests, but I know my PSAT score rose like a bajillion points from age 12 to 16 and that wasn't just from learning more. At my last MRI, the techs and I were talking about Star Trek, but they still wouldn't let me see my brain because yes, I do want to see about the structural

"SF plays with much more grand and imaginative concepts on the whole."

I do love the youtube lectures, but my new thing is to listen to podcasts while out walking because Sitting Kills, so my favorite lectures so far have been Epidemics in Western Society Since 1600 and the Carnegie Astronomy lectures for a quick refresher on hot astronomy topics. (I have also been reminded that one of

Darn, its only in member preview even in November. I haven't been to LACMA since high school and have been meaning to go, and yes, it is going to take the trappings of geology & massive engineering projects to get me in the door,

I kind of liked the first episode in a "this could be somewhat interesting" way but I have no interest in keeping up. There is actually too much other decent TV I could be watching on Friday nights, not to mention Thursday's leftovers.

I'm reading his Facebook page right now, and people I know & like are writing on his wall in support.

Every time I've seen this painting in person, I like to point at it and go, "Keanu! Keanu!" No one ever gets it.

I seriously considered stopping my run through the show at the this episode.

I, for one, I am recycling my old BSG theories for this one but hopefully weird religious overtones won't come into play and surprise me. So here's my first favorite theory! They are in a bubble universe that split off from ours when they go back in time, over millions of years they develop FTL technology/way to cross

I love how a couple months ago, I know someone who had to go to the archives in London to get a hold of the naval climate data for east coast Canada for her PhD research, and now it is going online! Technology!

I have to admit, I semi-stopped watching when I realized I only really cared about the girls' story arcs and most of the guys made me cringe....I love Bernadette, especially since represents all I fear about myself and my career direction over the next 5-10 years....

I think from a general pop culture perspective the reception of the new season of Downton Abbey should be really interesting in a "building interested in WWI" sense. As an aspiring writer, I think its probably easier to go back further if you're willing to do the legwork, which is why mine will have lots of ahmo

So my dad watched TVD with me for the first time, and I explained most things to him, ie "those girls are dead." But, he obviously didn't get the concept of Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, because at the end, when Caroline gets tranqued, "Finally, the good guys show up!"

Honestly, I usually watch the XL versions due to peer pressure, and I quite prefer the shorter standard cut. But that's just me and I have a short attention span!

Wait, he was on Hex? I am so going to have to re-watch that for him and Fassy.