
I haven't decided yet whether or not I am liking Pathfinder enough to fork over the cash to get Lost Gate for the Card appearance @ MG. Since I'm one of those reading-Ender's-Game-at-12 got me into reading actual sci-fi types, nostalgia & all. Damn you nostalgia.

@EdgarJPublius: Quick glance at the actual site ([] shows that the main "increase" is in small ones- I would hazard a guess that by 2010 there are a LOT more so that a lot of the small ones are being reported. Though 2010 lists the same seismographs as for 2000 and I was I have a print out I grabbed

I go to io9 to escape my personal statement but the content seems to be following me around the internet guilting me...

@RevProtocol: Seconding susie-bird but IMO, the first season is barely watchable and some of the second isn't fantastic either. But I am one of those people who is perfectly okay with skipping large swatches of episodes. Last half of season 2 through COE is epic though.

@Malcontent79: I completely agree on the full power of the internet thing. I don't remember a time without it, but I don't remember it being much different in the time I've known it either, which is quite honestly pretty depressing.

I think most of the problem with getting people to watch Fringe is a lot of Fringe just isn't very good. My friend finally caught up to the end of season 2 at my insistence when I was staying with him this weekend and he isn't entirely convinced about the turn around yet, but he's warming up to the idea.

Henrietta Lacks was one of my favorite books of the year, by far. And I've read 125 books (I keep a list otherwise I can't remember...), and started (far too many terrible) others.

Hmm, which is more incriminating, photos showing where you've been and who you know or what the photos on Facebook you can't seem to lock because of ever evolving "privacy settings" show (and that basically anyone can drag them out of Facebook and rehost them)?

Cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait.

@collex: I'm nearly the same age as you, but I think my problem with Star Trek is that only the spinoffs came out after I was born, and having had computers around the house since I can remember, Trek seems kind of hopelessly dated. For some reason I don't have that problem with Star Wars, but that might be because I

I started reading/watching Sagan late so he didn't inspire me to go into science, but he may have influenced my decision to suck it up and actually go through with it. And the content of the tattoo I want to to reward myself with if I ever get in to graduate school.

Just bought tickets to the SF showing! Making the trip for tennis, Tron and oh, those college friends or whatever.

@Pope John Peeps II: Everything you say makes me want to like him even more, single stories? AWESOME. Thanks for the recs.

@SavedByRocknRoll: Ah, to be 14 and email corresponding your favorite author, those were the days.

@nekoama: Awesome, thanks, just picked it up at the library.

@Pope John Peeps II: Can you recommend a good representative book of his to start with? I have been curious about him for awhile now, and don't really like the New Wave Urban Fantasy at all, so that assessment makes me even more interested. Thanks

I'm trying to decide whether or not it is a sign of maturity that I want to see this movie for Timothy Olyphant rather than Alex Pettyfer.....

@spindizzyeg1: Actually, I am pretty shocked that there are plot points to give away :P

@DarkStarSpace: I haven't read it yet (I asked my friend to get it for me for Christmas), but Yu said in the Geek's Guide to the Galaxy podcast a few weeks back that he used his own name as a placeholder, and then didn't want to change, so while it is kind of a bit much, it was intended to fit the story and not forced