
Oh, WORD to your last paragraph. I had to put both my kids in daycare starting at 7 weeks, and so often I’ve gotten judgy “Oh, I don’t know how you could do that, how could you leave your babies, it’s too hard, etc.” And my response is always, I had to. I didn’t have a choice.

The point is that you got to CHOOSE your bread, and your laundry, and the dishes, and staying at home. It wasn’t forced upon you. I think most feminists don’t hate bread or the laundry, per se. Just being forced into the role of the person who always takes care of them because of gender rather than preference.

You, lady, are clearly winning at life.

Dude. Is that a PHONE CORD? These people still talk on CORDED PHONES?!

Yes. Oh yes. Oh dear Lord yes. It’s coming.

Hey lady. I’m the one advocating for your column at Gawker here. You should be thanking me. I’d read the shit out of your crazy rants.

Eeeh! She replied! I feel famous now.

This lady seems to have a fun turn of phrase, but that’s about it. She’s a tax-denier and a nut job. She’s one of those folks who think that federal laws don’t apply to them because they are not part of the USA. Her particular twist on this appears to be that Florida wasn’t one of the original 13 colonies, and

I was walking down the street with my friend and her mom. As we crossed in front of a car, the two dudes in the car discussed our bodies. “I’d do the blonde one with the tits.” “Yeah, but what about the brown haired one with the ass?”

Washing your hands after taking a shit, after using chemicals, or before preparing dinner, is non-negotiable. He sounds like a pile of crap. Pun intended.

Yes. It’s true. I have definitely breastfed while peeing. See, breastfeeding can take 20-30 minutes. Sometimes, you have to fucking pee RIGHT NOW. So rather than pop the baby off your tit and risk the wailing and then the baby possibly refusing to start breastfeeding again after you’re done, you take the kid and

I commented downthread, but I personally have a relative who is doing this shit right now — alternative treatments, whole foods, etc., super fucking expensive and not covered by insurance, in a desperate last ditch attempt to treat her colon cancer. It’s draining her family’s finances and giving them all false hope.

Jesus this burns me. I have a relative with Stage IV colon cancer. She’s been fighting it for several years now, and it does not look good. Based on stuff people like this lady have written, she’s decided to forgo more chemo and go for a more “natural” course of treatment with lots of whole foods, etc., and expensive

My husband and I also had a DIY wedding. He built the stage for the band in his parents’ horse field; I baked 300 cupcakes; we both hung a ton of bunting (we had a bluegrass wedding). The night we got married we did manage to get the p in the v, but barely. Barely. I feel you on the exhaustion. It took me a week to

This guy sounds amazing. What a good salesman.

Meh. It’s not really all that contestable. While it’s true that men have more upper body strength proportionally than women, they’re also just overall stronger. I, a woman, am OK with this fact. It is what it is. It’s the truth. What’s NOT the truth, however, is that teh menz are better that mind awesomeness because

That is awesome. Also, I have stopped reading several of V.S. Naipaul’s pieces because they were incredibly boring. It must be because I lack the smartz he has. Or possibly it’s because he’s boring.

I ate them in a Chinese New Year’s banquet 15 years ago. Snot. They’re basically snot.

Some of them, yes. It depends on what you want. Butter will make your cake have a different texture — lighter, more of a crumb, a crisper crust. An oil cake, on the other hand, is generally moister and won’t dry out or go stale as fast. It’s also a little easier to make since you can just bung a bunch of ingredients

Yeah, he was a bastard. This stuff used to happen more often before divorce was acceptable. My family is super Catholic, and he knew that divorce was not happening. So he just left and started a new family.