superfluous consonants

Because so many men are dishonest about sex, either lying directly or being "economical with the truth" about their private behavior, women are left feeling unsafe and mistrustful.


seriously? he's saying everyone should have more sexual freedom, if they want it. his problem with what he's calling "fairsy" marriage is that it increased limitations on everyone, when he's suggesting it should have DEcreased limitations for everyone. that seems pro-lady to me.

I imagine you open with the "being-in-an-open-relationship" thing, not wait until you're three months into dating. that'd be dishonest and uncool.

a person who can't be monogamous, but won't be "officially" non-monogamous sounds like an uncool person who's setting you both up for unhappiness. dishonesty is not a choice.

why is the vibe in this article that it's always the dude who wants something other than strictly monogamous vanilla sexing? if you're into it, awesome; if you're not into it, or into something else, USE YOUR WORDS. everybody is served by honesty—honesty about desires AND boundaries. that's dan savage's whole line,

the mother of one of my good friends growing up had this policy, not because she was an uber-permissive "best friend" parent, but because she was in fact highly controlling. she herself had gotten pregnant young, and had no interest in the possibility that her daughter might be sexing in some random drunken frat boy's

i wonder how fast teaching children to value their own "individual freedom" over anything else will lead to camp-wide mutiny? depends on how soon they get to that confetti-cleaning activity, i bet.

good thing Coburn isn't busy with legislating or anything, otherwise he wouldn't have time to chase down sadsacks he sees on TV.

i asked the bridesmaids to pick their own dresses, in black, because everyone already owns a black dress and nobody had to try to match among twelve shades of blue from across the country. they wanted to discuss length, fabric sheen, level of formality, cut....i told them their one and only official bridesmaid job was

whereas I'd say a "see-through chiffon blouse" is only appropriate AFTER 40, once you start hitting up hotel bars looking for those nice 60-year-old traveling businessmen.

26; 9 years. it tends to gross people out.

on the contrary, i think Lily and Marshall are FANTASTIC relationship role models. they very clearly like and admire each other, even while recognizing each others' faults. and after, what, 10 years? they still want to bone constantly. i am pumped to say they are the fictional couple that mr. SC and i most resemble.

besides the standards (urine/feces, children, animals, dead things), i'd say my no-go zones are:

Things about this that are genius:

so, is there any reason i shouldn't feel bad for walgreens in this moment? having never purported to be an alternative to PP, it seems sort of rough that they should have their business disrupted for a joke on Fox News.

statistically, things turn out much better for children whose unhappily married parents divorce (assuming it doesn't completely destroy their financial stability). so, yeah, he's wrong about that too.

please. i typically get overwhelmed and lose my decision-making capacity in a standard costco; this would NOT fly.

thank you so much for using the word "smanging." my day, she is brightened.

right? If I paired myself with "turned on men" in my father's thoughts on purpose, I can't imagine he'd be able to calmly assess my outfit for sexiness. The poor man would run from the room.