@morninggloria: Also, "innocent children". Can't forget our hatred of teh babies! Aren't they usually fat? That's, like, gross.
@morninggloria: Also, "innocent children". Can't forget our hatred of teh babies! Aren't they usually fat? That's, like, gross.
Remind me, again, why we have to continue pandering to an increasingly tiny, increasingly crazy conservative right-wing? Didn't they lose? By, like, a lot?
I would think at least some people are looking to avoid sex-linked problems that may run in their families, no?
Yeah, these are not men whose opinion of my appearance is of particular relevance to me. Actually, no: I hope they find me horrifying, and thus stay far, far away.
Things like this make me feel simultaneously 1)delighted that they exist, and 2)depressed that I spend my days in front of a computer, filling out misspelled forms and despairing for our nation's youth.
@schweppes: I pronounce it "EHtsee"
I also like being confident that my dollars are going to an organization (/person) that does NOT employ child labor in a factory somewhere and that is often eco-friendly and sustainable. Sounds pretty damn feminist to me.
I love Etsy, and I'd much rather give my money to crafty individuals (of whom I know many) than giant multinational corporations.
This is dumb. Obviously. But assuming the doll was reasonably realistic and had a recognizable face, the children are definitely going to spend more time looking at that than anything else, because from birth all children are wired to examine faces closely. Furthermore, why can we assume a baby would recognize a…
@awinoforever: Um, acknowledging the existence of gay youth is controversial. In fact, I'm suing you for using the word "gay" in a place I could stumble upon it. $30,000 please!
@Penny: a parody cartoon porn star and Velma from Scooby-Doo?
Wow, nothing is manlier than applying current, narrow cultural standards to the entirety of world history. "Haha, high heels = ladiez!" Clearly, the manliest of men own NO shoes and get by on the callused soles of their muscley, muscley manfeet. I wonder what Miniter wears?
@I'm Chuck Bass: Forget that. People just like to label any writer with a strong voice "insufferable". Sometimes that just means "not the same damn thing you've read three thousand times". Whatever.
@missteenwordpower is your sexy Ms. Magoo.: Or something that doesn't use "day" twice in one sentence.
Between this and the unicorn hats, the pictures today on Jezebel have made my day.
It says a lot about what's wrong with our current food culture that someone can say "what're you going to do? not eat grapes?" like it's some sort of hilarious nonsense suggestion. What did we all do before we could buy Chilean grapes in December? ...Oh, that's right. We all dropped dead.
I don't know that I have a problem with registering for frivolous wedding gifts. mrteenwordpower and I have been living together for two years, and it's true—we already have most of what we need to run household. While we'll definitely be including charity options on our registry, people often like to actually give…
@hydrogen_jukebox: I just don't understand—it's not that I don't agree, but that I truly can't comprehend—how asking for the the right for oneself to do something others have a right to do imposes anything on those others. How does my right to use an ipod to listen to music you find "disgusting" and "unnatural" impose…
@J.D.Regent: It looks like you'd want to set up a business account, which allows you to accept payments ([www.paypal.com]). The bigger question would be how to get the money to a student who promises to provide them, and what kind of criteria you'd want to set for providing the money (would they write an essay? would…