
I always run out of gushy sounds to make when subjected to those for an extended period of time...I end up just saying “Oh my god, sooooo cute!!” and I don’t even talk like that in real life

My dad is also a surgeon and dealt with my illnesses the same way! I had to be damn near dead before he agreed I should stay home from school.

I can’t with him since reading about his alleged sexual assaults. Somehow they never come up so I don’t think a lot of people know about them.

Ok. I only saw the most recent comment.

I’m so lost. What is this comment from? I was referring to her comment above, from today.

Ladyology said “A mom responded that she loves her children so much that she could never not mention them constantly”

That was the first thing I noticed too!

Why is it more work? Why can’t a black, Chinese, Muslim, deaf etc. person just be a normal character with human problems? This is the problem I’m seeing. To them it seems that there’s some mystery personality trait expressed by each minority group that means they absolutely could not play a regular character doing

I don’t know, as a biracial person I always recognized Maya as one of my own, lol. Rashida Jones, on the other hand...

Historically, in white male-dominated fields including politics and business, black and other minority men make progress before women of any race, especially in areas involving major leadership.

There are seemingly a lot, but how many of these are considered genre: black movies, rather than just mainstream studio films? Did white people come out to see Soul Food?

This is what really killed me about the guy living above us who didn’t live in the building 6 months out of the year and did short-term airbnb rentals, back-to-back, for months. Any one of them could have copied our keys, not to mention that since he was never there he had messengers handing out keys to the building.

I believe she has received a lifetime achievement award in that category.

My parents met at work! She was a respiratory therapist and he was the new doctor in town. They’re still married 32 years later. You never know!

I laughed out loud. You are a hero.

Pretty sure this is the video she was filming on location when her plane crashed. :(

Haha and, I’m ashamed to know, Lauren Conrad.

That’s my birthday too! :)


I did the same, which made for the best Thanksgiving drive home ever.