I was there this past weekend buying a Dutch oven. Perhaps we crossed paths. Were you there when they were baking some sort of apple pastry and pumping the amazing smell throughout the store?? I have to admit that I love that place.
I was there this past weekend buying a Dutch oven. Perhaps we crossed paths. Were you there when they were baking some sort of apple pastry and pumping the amazing smell throughout the store?? I have to admit that I love that place.
France’s 9/11
Interesting, I stand corrected. In the US it’s more something that the uber rich maybe feel but don’t say, and that new money says to sound superior.
Jason Aldean is the winner who got busted cheating on his wife with a 20-something American Idol contestant.
Look at Kate putting on airs to the detriment of her peers. Pretty sure she had a lower middle class upbringing so not sure where all this “vulgar to talk about money” attitude comes from.
Fuzzy socks are the only proper bedtime foot attire. I like you a lot.
Well, to be fair, if the evolutionary goal of sex is conception then the male orgasm is all that matters. That’s probably one of the reasons why that frame of mind exists (and because of patriarchy and male supremacy, like everything else, of course).
Team no one
What a privilege to have a “blind spot” about diversity. POCs don’t have that option.
I don’t understand why so many people’s conclusions about this are that anxiety disorders don’t exist or aren’t a problem. This study was not about anxiety disorders.
This study has nothing to do with anxiety disorders
And here I am jealous that you have any paid leave at all. If I’m still here when I get pregnant, I will get 12 weeks unpaid.
I had the VHS tapes! Remember the Christmas episode when Kristy gave her $300 baseball glove to a poor kid in the hospital. And Stacey had to be hospitalized because she kept eating sweets and had diabetes (which was treated as an aggressive cancer in the show/books). I need to track those down.
Maybe if many of them didn’t actively vote against their own interests.
Yeah, logically doesn’t add up at all. The people who want to police women’s pregnancies obviously have the mindset that women’s bodies/choices are up for debate. I call bullshit.
Interesting social experiment: stage the reverse situation and observe the fury and outcry.
Is it me or has Wilmer Valderamma been dating 20-year-olds for like 15 years
I like Itheedread because it’s usually just a harmless place to comment and share, and most people are kind and funny.
That is really lovely!