
Well, I just don’t understand why anyone cares what anyone else does. I don’t have a dog in this fight (so to speak) because we made a conscious decision to pass on engagement photos, not our style. However our dog was at our legal ceremony in Central Park before the big shebang wedding. And he wore a bowtie. And,

Weddings are about two families coming together. For many (dare I say most) people, pets are a part of the family. And kids??? Come on now.

Apparently some people find joy and happiness distasteful

How did you get him mid-stream?? Just good timing?

The “If I haven’t met them then they don’t exist” argument? I am guessing your “poor” friends are not actually living below the poverty line. I don’t know any poverty-stricken people either because, like you, I am an urban professional with a post-graduate degree. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, Christ.

I would do this

Don’t you love how the majority of commenters zeroed in on your stand-up statement as something they could prove wrong and completely ignored the long list of musical styles you listed?

Weren’t Isaiah Washington and Katherine Heigl also casualties of GA bad blood?

Re: doing dishes, I’ve started watching tv/movies on my ipad while doing them so I can just zone out. Although I never really hated doing them so maybe that wouldn’t work for you!

Sicilian white wine :) :) :)

Ahh I love pumpkin beer! Favorites are Blue Moon and UFO.

I am about to order spicy seafood pasta and I can’t wait. I got a special wine to pair with it perfectly.

Sending a prayer your way!

Finally, someone speaks the truth.

No joke, for me one of the best things about going to grad school after six years out of school was living out my fall back-to-school fantasies. I really think I focus better in the fall. The weather feels very academic.

Totally agree. That second one :(

Beautiful! Congratulations!!

Thank you!! Yes, the wedding band is from Ken & Dana Design in Chelsea. I found them when we were engagement ring shopping, but I fell in love with my vintage ring at Gray & Davis, so we went to them for my wedding band and I’m so happy we did!

Same. I took this series in Montreal over Labor Day when the sun was hitting it just right.