I’d set it on fire.
I’d set it on fire.
You’re right, that is some next-level trolling right there.
Haha just curious—how did he tear up the couch with a vacuum??
I had a white one!
I assure you that fathering 34 children is abnormal even in black communities, if you can believe it.
Me too. It’s extremely disappointing. What I don’t get is, this has literally no effect on your life. Why do you care?? I guess personal freedom only applies if a situation doesn’t give you the icks? But I suppose that logic is applied to a lot of things in the world of the religious right.
I’m the same way, for some reason. I got into the habit of stashing one in a boot, and it must have fallen out en route at work because it was just lying there in the middle of the floor. And I just left it there, embarrassed (and also laughing to myself). What is wrong with me??
Wow. You really handled that with grace, I don’t know if I could have done the same!
Your wedding is this coming Saturday? If that’s the case, then best wishes and have a wonderful time!!
I’m late to the party, but want to share! We got married in Aruba but were legally married here in NYC before we left. The best part about that is that Oskie could be in the ceremony. Then for our big wedding, we did a photo shoot of him around the UWS (our hood) and used his pics for the table numbers.
We got married in November, and I was pleased to realize I felt zero letdown after the fact. I enjoyed many aspects of the planning process, but mostly I was really relieved it was over, which was the opposite of what a lot of people warned me would happen and made me feel like a “bad” bride.
Nothing too bad, most of the people who bought off-registry knew us well enough to know what we would like. The frustrating thing for us was that some people used the registry as a shopping guide and bought identical items elsewhere. I’m assuming they got a discount, which is totally understandable and smart, but then…
Truly. I will spend a full 20 minutes in a store trying to pick out a scent.
If I remember movies/tv shows with servants correctly, you have to polish it regardless!
Can I have your number?
It’s not funny, but I almost have to laugh because it’s like what you would do if a pigeon flew too close to you or something. Like they are basically wild animals and not civilized humans.