
If there’s some way for you to let her know that when it happens, it’s not on her. Young girls are so often confused and frightened when this happens, especially when it’s a grown man, and they are embarrassed and don’t want to think about it, so she may not be the one to come to you. If you can find a way to initiate

I developed very early, around 5th grade. I was 10 and at the mall with my parents when a man locked eyes with me, looked me up and down and made a kissing face with his lips, looking at me seductively. I was horrified and embarrassed. My parents didn’t see him, and I was grateful. I wore sports bras and big t-shirts

That is a very good point and a great example of how a patriarchal society is a huge detriment to both genders. I hope you’re in a better place now :)

Wasn’t she christened Crackerjacks by our dear departed Richard Lawson?

Homemade: everything bagel from Zabar’s, sharp cheddar cheese, scrambled eggs and bacon (baked in the oven, not fried on a pan).

This is hilarious. Lol.

To each their own but this whole trip sounds like it would be kind of awful even if everything went perfectly. A cruise followed by Disney World?? Plenty of opportunities to take those kind of "vacations" when you have three kids and no other choice...

'Whatever flaws you believed you had, I loved — How you'd look in the mirror and always suck in your stomach; How you always analyzed every picture we took together and made me delete them, nine times out of ten; how you'd pace around on the phone when you were nervous. Or how about how you hated to be on video?

THANK YOU for covering this. Couldn't believe how many people posted this to Facebook earnestly.

Posted on April 1. Huh.

As soon as I see that first photo from the hospital, “Isaiah Joseph so-and-so, 8 lbs 7 oz.,” etc etc I just unfollow. It’s been so liberating. I wish you could do the same for Instagram.

No snark, what is wrong with calling a person hot?

They are the BEST. I got mine on Amazon.

Sounds like you found a good compromise though! Shnookums is perfect, as well.

His name is Oscar! He will also answer to pumpkin bear, sweetie pie, angel face.


My maid of honor and man of honor threw me an amazing bachelorette party that started at the Met for a themed dirty tour. I highly recommend Museum Hack if you're in NYC!

Haha same! Fortunately I am also basically obsessed with him.

Oops, duplicate post :)

I don't carry treats much anymore but my puggle will sniff them out in strangers' pockets from the other side of the dog park, it seems. Then I'm the crazy lady chasing him around and apologizing to people.