What the hell are you talking about?
What the hell are you talking about?
Care to elaborate? I'm not arguing, it's just that it seems like common sense. I'd have to think even basic care of measles, mumps, rubella, etc. would be more costly than the vaccines that prevent the diseases from ever occurring.
Good point, especially on the rare occasion that V-Day falls on a weekend.
My question is, doesn't "Big Pharma" stand to make a LOT more money on meds and treatments for infections of these previously almost eradicated diseases?
My teacher called my parents in for a meeting because of a horror story I wrote in 2nd grade.
I'm pretty sure she was talking about cast and crew having to stare at this girl's genitals for hours.
The thing I don't get about Jay is how he knew where her car was. Doesn't that prove that he was involved in some way?
Haha I know, I saw the comic book cover when I was wtf-googling about it. It was pretty ridiculous out of that context, though, and I would guess that at the most only a quarter of viewers have any knowledge of the comics. I'm glad they changed her outfit.
My father the doctor is exactly the same way. This doesn't surprise me at all!
I had a similar experience that was hell on earth, except for 8 hours. I feel you.
Still, you're talking about managers, and I'm talking also about the perception of working with women in general, at the same level.
I think you make very good points and that there are multiple reasons why women may be at a disadvantage in managerial positions from the get-go, including that we're generally not encouraged to be assertive in any other parts of our lives. But there's also the "dislike working with women at all" camp which, in my…
I only just realized this is a result of "Cool Girl" syndrome!
This doesn't surprise me. I've heard women say this a lot, or just say that they don't like working with other women, period.
The worst part about the shoulder tap is that sometimes it's totally innocent, like maybe you dropped something or your scarf is hanging on the ground. I end up giving them the benefit of the doubt only for them to tell me "You dropped something! My heart."
1. Every insurance company and plan is different, but for mine (which is Aetna) I had to have documented back pain with a recommendation from a relevant medical professional (physical therapist, orthopedist, etc) for the surgery. I ended up going to a physical therapist for a couple of months—she was recommended by my…
I also had the procedure and it was almost entirely covered by insurance. It was early last year and one of the best things I've ever done. I would be happy to answer any questions!
This happened to me when I was 23. I discovered her existence on myspace (it was 2007, ok) and asked him about her. He lied to me about their relationship and would routinely disappear with shady explanations as to where he'd been. One night, he invited himself to join a mutual friend and me at a new bar, and when we…