
A lot of those women became millionaires and even billionaires selling young girls a body image that was no more real than anime. There is value in pointing out how much of a lie the image is. And I have to ask, is the lie not misogyny? Is photoshop, hours of make up, surgery, and a team of experts to post a single

This article has some great points but I can’t help but be rubbed the wrong way by use of the word “butchy” to describe MOC lesbians—butch is a specific and well-defined identity with historical and cultural significance to queer women, not something you use to indicate any person who has masculine traits—and the

Trying to shame a movie star for ‘no one knowing who she is’ is super weird because most of Kim’s fans have to be closer to Chloe’s age than Kim’s. So I would think they definitely know who Chloe is.

She’s 14.

I’m ashamed to say I also remember the part of the feud where Khloe then posted a photo of a young woman in a swimsuit and said it was CGM and proceeded to body shame her over it. Or something like that.

Fuck, can you imagine how incredibly awful it would be to have to put out a press release when you broke up with your freshman year high school boyfriend?

Reading this article was like learning in college that erotic Mighty Ducks fan fiction is a real thing. Keep in mind, there was only one girl in the Mighty Ducks.

Kudos to the Deadspin folks for not being complete troglodytes. The attitude the Jez writers seem to take on Kim (in my brief overview of KK articles posted recently) seems to be “Kim Kardashian does this thing”. And even when it’s an objectively harmful thing (laxative lollipops, anorexia as compliment) the tone is

I don’t have 45 million followers or a TV show that follows my life. But people know who I am.

“I’m going to send [my KKW fragrance] to my lovers, to my haters, to everyone that I think of, because it’s Valentine’s Day after all

How is she only 21? She’s been killing it for years, and it has been such a joy to watch her transition to really great roles.

And that little girl who grew up to be famous because her father helped OJ get away with murder turned out to be a moron. Now you know...the rest of the story.

AFAIK Kim DOES talk about blah blah blah...

So...are we done with the Kardashian worship around here? They’re bullshit and any pseudo female empowerment they sell is bullshit and privilege gift wrapped with internalized misogyny and cultural appropriation.

Moretz is a talented actress with intelligence and much to offer in entertainment and evidently well grounded social skills. 

So, Kim has been holding onto this for, what, two years? Does she have a list of enemies written down somewhere, like Nixon, or does she just go to bed each night, like Arya, reciting the list of all the haters she will revenge herself on, by sending them bottles of her cat spray perfume?

Jesus.. Picking your favorite Kardashian? That’s like saying my favorite STI is gonorrhea due to it being curable.

The whole family is toxic.

Of course we know who Kaylie is Kim!

I mean, even Jack Donaghy knew not to mess with her