Megara Justice Machine

You're right, that is fun!

So you do have a soft side!
(unless this is some heavy, subtle sarcasm)

An insufferable figure of whimsy.

That's a Hole lot better than I could have come up with, Prole-bably.

Careful or you'll end up with dozens of bridge paintings.

Isn't that Bojack Horseman? :)

Yeah, no. Judging by the above line-up, this may be the year I give up on TV (and therefore life itself).

That's me too, I get caught up in my day to day and forget to reach out sometimes.

Work under two different names maybe? I know furry artists have done that (and please don't ask how I know that - it was a friend, see).

Really well put, short and sweet. This should be for sale on Etsy pillows too.

This is what I was going to say - take their money, do the catfighting, keep dreaming of the real art and then do that in your spare time. The skills you're honing on catfighting can only get sharper for the art, and you might see some reverse feedback there too that could bring in more catfighting work.

Holding every episode to the idea that they need be one worth converting people into fans is asking a bit much, of any show. Some are good, some are great, some are "adequate time wasters" (a phrase I think I picked up on the AV Club about something else) and some are downright crappy. These things happen.

A perfectly fine episode, if slight, that made no glaring missteps. So what's not to like? They can't all be Christmas Carol or Blink level stuff. Some fans seem to forget that and often make any comment section on Who nearly unbearable. Not here though, you're all good folk, Wilkins included.

Plus a lot of the best superhero names have already been taken and are currently owned by some litigious folk. Still better than The Karkus.

Clara's character got pulled in a lot of directions and none of them really sunk in well for me until the last direction that she got pulled into. Plus she was a really good actress.

I thought the "dump some road signs in a forest and call it a day" was some inspired cheap set-making, made me feel like it was the old show. As a whole it wasn't a great episode, but sometimes - as we saw here - an episode of Doctor Who just needs to be slight fun. And that's good enough.

Like you!

The stories are just as good as they've ever been, for good or ill. Maybe even better, for some fans.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays of all variations to the AV Club and the readers of such; it's been a tough year of tough changes in many ways but this site remains one of my favorite, and one of my favorite to rag on, but only because I like you.

Is there any reason the link through Alasdair Wilkins' name is apparently broken? I'm guessing the AV Club will use it to link through to his write-up of the new episode when he gets it done, but for the time being it makes the AV Club look wonky. Plus I don't wish to wait for it any longer than I've had to wait