Megara Justice Machine

Having read too much William Burroughs (red flag, red flag!), I actually do support the idea that if someone wants to own a gun, they should be able to. But such ownership should be carefully managed like driving a car is, and we certainly don't need the NRA mucking about in our politics. Both cars and guns are

Nothing comes to mind other than Dirty Back Roads by the B-52s. I think I need to expand my sex song repertoire.

The muppet speaks wise words. I was there, it lasted too long and hurt like hell when it ended, but I am never not glad it did.

That really sucks you lost your job, but you seem to be in something of a good place about it. That alone is good news. Keep it up and don't waiver! And if you do, don't use that to beat yourself up over later.

I scrolled through this entire thread and this was the only Moore mention I found. I pre-ordered Jerusalem and so it's decent, although I'm only fifty-odd pages in. I like Moore a lot, but sometimes his writing just doesn't seem to flow like his ideas when he's just wrangling words. So far though, this is working

I just never got into his style and found it sort of boring, but I really enjoy Kirby, so that flashiness probably colors my viewpoint.

That'd be golden.

Don Heck is justly forgotten.

That's because it's the oiliest, which isn't an easy title to come by in a Mickey D's.

New Clickhole Headline: Come Watch The AV Club Tell You How Clickhole Filmed A Video.

No, I think he was about as bitchy as the subject was worth.

He was always one of my faves - not as flashily great as Cleese nor as cheesy as Idle, not quite as solid a performer as Pail, but always solid.

The Python tapes you mean? I have no idea, I'm a Doctor Who nerd, not a Python nerd! Well, much.

I'll agree. Much as I would hate to have to contemplate doing so myself, I think if Lynch had edited it down by, I dunno, maybe an hour? IE would have held up much better. I still enjoyed it though.

Another tidbit about the BBC wiping tapes: they had planned on wiping Monty Python too, until one of the guys stepped in and paid for the tapes; I forget which one it was, although my brain wants to say Terry Jones.

Additionally, when the switch to color TV came along, no one thought anyone would want to see crummy old black and white shows again.

It gets worse. Something I read about the wiping of these episodes made note that when the order came down "stop wiping Doctor Who tapes," some guy working in the BBC storage room kept doing it until they made him stop. If fans could gather their wished into one big hate ball, that guy would probably be burning in

I'm not really a fan of these things either, as often the show back then could be rather slow and one of the few high points would be seeing the acting going on - body language, facial expressions, etc. Toss that in with "seeing Troughton doing the Doctor for the first time" and these stilted cardboard cut-outs are

Thank you as always for these great write-ups.

The first male I slept with (bi guy here) had really bad teeth, was obviously just there to be my first like it meant something and gave me warts. Obviously I'm really more mad at myself than him.