Megara Justice Machine

That's not exactly a Clara problem, but it was indeed something of a dropped thread.

Speaking of giving a companion "personal agency", that's what Clara's exit was all about. I know some fans hated it, but when you look under the hood, it makes sense this way. No more being dumped off, married off, just walking away from Mr. Important Man Character, she ended up pretty much his equal.

The complainers need to hear this more, the show's really been regenerated with him in the role (sorry for the lame joke).

Downvote him, downvote him!

It's been said that was probably an intended mirroring by Moffat. It's stuff like that that give me an easy go-round for his lesser ideas.

The BBC had been bungling the show since at least Tom Baker's era, if not before, I recall a quote from Pertwee about how bad the Beeb was doing in his day.

Much as I don't care for this movie, I wouldn't put it down in the same sewer as Twin Dilemma, that's just crazy talk. We at least got a good Doctor out of the movie, Twin Dilemma didn't even have that going for it.

Torchwood was nothing but fucking wasted potential, even with that mostly great cast.

I was about to say it was actually Colin Baker, but then I remembered Colin Baker. On the other hand, I hear he acquits himself pretty well in the audio adventures, but I haven't listened to those myself.

That Bradley Cooper film was terrible.

And the crazy stories, don't forget those.

That was my first thought as well, I'm surprised it hasn't come up until now.

It still amazes me sometimes that the same guy who can go seemingly nuts can also have some really good, deep thoughts like you do and expressed above. I guess that's coming off (ha ha) like an insult, which I don't mean it to. Maybe I just haven't seen enough of a balance of the opposing posting styles that you do.

Avocados are the worst, they're always to blame.

Great song to cover, yes, but this version's far too slickly glazed over with Hollywood soundtrack schmaltz.

Poor newspaper comics! One thing the Onion's newsprint editions got right was running some decent stuff for comics, acknowledging that society has been moving and changing since about 1970. But for some reason, comics are being held back by the increasingly moribund-themselves newspapers and simply must be as

It's memes all the way down.

Speaking of old news…

He may also have been less exposed to the griping of the nerd press before seeing the film. I do expose myself to the nerd press but often discount what it has to say and thought that part of the film was no more dumb than "the Force" or sound in space or whatever else you might bring up.

I'll never not click on floppy music, no idea why.