Megara Justice Machine

Oh god NO!

If you're tense, it's never going to happen.

Indeed, listen carefully, you'll know when you've found something she likes. Plus, that's one of the hottest parts about giving head (to either sex), the sounds they make. Or is that just my own uh taste?

I was told there would be no math.

You saying he's hot and an actor makes the stereotype center of my brain light up, maybe he's more used to be pursued and having people pay attention to him?

"Hateful misogynists who are totally confused about why they do not get laid" made me giggle like a loon for some reason.

Rolling around on the mattress and saying "meow" is part of this complete orgy! It's GreeeeaaaaAAAAAAAUUUUH!!

Do they make any "get well soon" cards for lost libido?

SHUSH you guys! Or next thing you'll know, everybody's going over there!

I'll second Dan, I've been reading him off and on for a long, long time now. Heck, I'll even second Jezebel, I do look over there from time to time and have, you know, actually learned things (I do understand that this may be read as an unconsciously self-inflicted insult; so be it).

Yeah, from female to male. Buck Angel is an internet-famous person for being such.

"I Fist A Girl (and I Liked It)" is pretty good play on words. I'd like to think I would go see this, my girlfriend would certainly be up for it, but…

Man, I love that sort of drinkin'.

If that's nerd revisionism, then I'm a time traveler - EMG up there says exactly what I was thinking back in the day. I walked out of the theater when Jedi was first released thinking it was the first Star Wars I didn't like, which was born out by the sequels years later. When Indy part 2 hit with the roller-coaster

Patrick Ness is also tapped to be the driving force behind the Doctor Who spin-off Class. This might give us an idea of what we're in for. )Or we could read some of his books I guess.)

Obviously, seconded for wishing there was going to be another season of Doctor Who this year.

I must be getting old. I used to be square in the middle of this demographic - frequent Fantagraphics buyer, occasional drug dabbler and crude cartoon cheerleader, but… I dunno. Maybe I've just seen enough of this sort of thing already. Maybe you kids can enjoy it.

I was kind of thinking a lazy Bernstein Bears artist.

Who doesn't?