Megara Justice Machine

I've heard Lynch talk about how he turned down Jedi after Lucas explained it to him and showed him some materials. According to him, he gently told Lucas, no, this is your baby, you make it. I'd have loved to see it too though, but I think Dune put Lynch off big Hollywood films. Probably got him blacklisted from

Like Hollywood has ever cared about "scripts."

The 1961 film is also a pretty good, creepy watch, as I recall.

I can't seem to find anyone else mentioning it online anywhere so I must be nuts, but I still think the core comic book character was heavily based off "The Mask" film from 1961.

These are good, solid suggestions that I see kicked around whenever someone pops into a convo online asking for suggestions. Anyone else out there asking themselves the same question should have a fair shot by following them.

Luckily, as a Megara Justice Machine, I can condemn you both to death.

"Thanks, Moffat!"

I've read Davies saw how the Fox TV movie botched it up so badly by throwing it all in at once as if Americans would have any clue about what was going on, and then did the exact opposite. It was indeed canny TV work.

I was coming here to say the same thing. This reminded me of a term apaper I wrote in high school one year when the teacher regrettably said "write it on anything British."

The theater my girlfriend and I saw Zootopia in was fairly empty, but oddly enough I think we were the only people who laughed at that joke.

It's a larf, innet mate?

Glad to know my future's going to be adorable!

Suggested headline: ABC, Owned By Disney, Cancels Bible

Nah, that was Spiderman that time he stopped the subway car.

Too generic for a male pairing, but it still gets its point across, I like it.

Sort of like High Places, I may have to check these guys out.

I think more Hollywood press releases should come in the form of derisive missives. "So you want to watch overpaid actors walking down a red carpet? Fine, the Oscars this year will be broadcast on February, I don't know, 12th or some goddamned day."

That's a great way to describe David Lynch material, "damaging/enriching."

*camera zooms in and out and rocks side to side on Wolfgang von Schreli's face as he screams*

True story: back in the 80s my family had seen a few comedy bits of Herman here and there and my mom really didn't like his work. So one Saturday I'm home from college and switch on the morning show. My mom's doing stuff in the kitchen, occasionally stepping out into the living room behind me and watching snippets,